Day 5/100
Time Period Spent:
Course Taken:
Udemy: Java Programming Masterclass - Tim Buchalka
Todays Learning:
- Method Overloading
Code Challenges:
- Leap Year Calculator
- Decimal Comparator
- Equal Sum Checker
- Teen Number Checker
- Method Overloading (Measurement Converter)
Additional Notes:
Easing my way through the course. I have realised that I enjoy to overcomplicate my solutions, I do this in hope to incrementally cut down on the amount of code written. I guess that this is a way of allowing me to visually see what I can improve on and what needs changing.
While learning method overloading, I realised that it can be useful to overload methods by applying different parameters to go into it but, I still question the use-case. Why overload the method when you can rewrite it in a different method and make your code easier to read?
Understandable that we want to use a method overload to be able to have different implementations of the same method but It seems to make the code harder to read in my eyes. I write this knowing that I will most likely look back and say I can live without them.
If anyone has an explanation for this, I would very much like to talk on it!
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