Hey there,
Day 8/100
Time Period Spent:
Course Taken:
Udemy: Java Programming Masterclass - Tim Buchalka
Todays Learning:
- For Loop Recap
- While and Do while
Code Challenges:
- Sum 3 and 5 Challenge
- Sum Odd
- Digit Sum
Additional Notes:
So while loop is as per any other language. We loop through something while the condition is true. If done incorrectly, we can cause an infinite loop, or until we run out of memory for numbers to be stored into. We always want to break a loop with a condition meeting a criteria.
We use while do loop so we can define an unknown criteria. For example, a normal loop we need to define the starting step and the final step so we have a range. In a while loop we don’t need to do this.
I’ve been keeping quite entertained with this course considering my attention span on stuff is quite minimal. Seems like i've found a tutor I enjoy for once. Normally I just resort to StackOverflow questions and documentation.
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