Time Period Spent:
Today marks the day I document my new journey into learning a new language. I have chosen Java. Reasoning behind this language is it is in heigh demand where I live. In addition I have always want to create minecraft plugins / be able to comprehend the inner works of minecraft and how it was build, with the goal to be able to reverse engineer it and hopefully re-create it one day.
Course Taken:
Udemy: Java Programming Masterclass - Tim Buchalka
Todays Learning:
- Casting in Java
- Byte, Short, Long, Width
- Primitive Types
- Float, Double
- Char, Boolean
- Operators, Operands, Expressions
- Abbreviating Operators
Additional Notes:
So today was very productive, stating my journey on doing this first thing in the morning before work. Coming from learning python and other languages used in my fulltime job, this is the basics. With this said it is a good refresher and a nice entry into the language, I can learn the syntax quicker like this. Key differences to python is having to explicitly address each variable. Enjoying my time with this course and have a focused mind towards learning it. Also documenting it will allow me to make sure I stick to doing something everyday.
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