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5 Beautiful Visual Resources for Visual Learners

Annie Liao on May 30, 2020

As an infographic designer turned developer, I am always fascinated by effective visual explanations of programming concepts. I will never forget ...
iainfreestone profile image
Iain Freestone

I am a big fan of Amelia Wattenbergers blog, her posts are always so engaging.

I will checkout your other suggestions. Thank you

Build Your Own React is one that always springs to mind.

fnuttens profile image
Florent Nuttens

Thanks a lot for sharing these amazing resources! In the same vein, I suggest you take a look at Lin Clark's Code Cartoons. Those really helped me grasp concepts like JIT compilers and WebAssembly 😃

liaowow profile image
Annie Liao

Oh wow, I love the writing style too. Very conversational and jargon-free. Thanks for sharing this!

wiktorwandachowicz profile image
Wiktor Wandachowicz

I really liked the "3. Amelia Wattenberger's Interactive Blog". I really appreciate how instead of bloated classes, a short, neat functional code could be written.

Now please help me wrap my head around the concept, how to unit test such code? It seems beautiful, yet sometimes not exactly intuitive at the first look. But is it testable???

zeewon profile image
Jeewan Maharjan

Everyone can relate to visual learning rather than hardcore jargon's . This is awesome list. Thank you for sharing this.

thisdotmedia_staff profile image
This Dot Media

Wonderful list Annie! Thanks for sharing 🙏

jeromebrownweb profile image
Jerome Brown

I'm a UI designer first and front end guy second who wants to sharpen my JS skills. Thanks for these resources it all looks very helpful.

ericzedd profile image

These. Are. Insanely. Amazing!!

I'm gonna buy these folks coffee!

camerenisonfire profile image
Cameren Dolecheck

Excellent resources, especially Thank you for sharing.

e5pe profile image
Esperanza Cutillas Rastoll

Thanks for sharing this list!

rattanakchea profile image
Rattanak Chea

Awesome. I know a few of them. But some are new and had been added to the list. Thx

abdulghani200 profile image
Abdul Ghani

Thanks for sharing this amazing list ♥️

anupa profile image
Anup Aglawe

Wow cool resources thanks.
By the way, I don't think Dan is creator of react.js ( are you talking about redux🤔 ).

liaowow profile image
Annie Liao

Oops, I guess his name just keeps showing up whenever I use React, hence the illusion 😅 Thanks for the correction, Anup!