DEV Community

Discussion on: How HTML gives us tooltips for free!

lionelrowe profile image
lionel-rowe • Edited

As of December 2020, most mobile browser vendors have still not implemented support for title (presumably because there is no way to “hover” with a touchscreen). For this reason, the title attribute has only very limited use cases, namely for non-essential information that doesn't need to be displayed to users of mobile devices.

Usually, tooltips should be available to mobile users as well as desktop users. If anything, tooltips may be used more frequently on mobile devices, due to limited screen real estate. The interaction for displaying them will be slightly different (usually a touch rather than a hover, both of which usefully trigger a mouseenter event), but they’ll still remain viewable.

If you’re building exclusively for desktop or doing rapid prototyping, you might want to use title for simplicity. Otherwise, it’s almost never the correct choice.

jordanfinners profile image
Jordan Finneran

Yeah, this is where my mixed feels come into it for tooltips.
Getting them on hover on desktop makes sense to me as a user, but on mobile triggering one by tapping on it feels a weird interaction.
I'd rather use something else. To quote a UX conference I went to. You can put as many signs on a door as you want but a user is going to interact with it based on the handle provided.