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Exciting New Development Options in the Developer Console

The world is going the way of Artificial Intelligence and automation. With hectic schedules and more and more tasks to complete, people are looking for ways to make their work more accessible and efficient in the shortest amount of time possible.

To address these needs, the Developer Console has taken the lead by introducing exciting new development possibilities. You now have the option to effortlessly connect your GitHub repository to your Developer Console app, seamlessly integrating it with deployment services like Netlify or Vercel — all to simplify and smooth out your deployment workflow.

So what’s the fuss all about?

Until now, you had to go through the steps of setting up your own repository in GitHub and working on your app using the code editor on your local machine to create your application in the Console. You also needed to manually set up a deployment on your end, or even rely on your own servers.

Right now you can both create repositories and complete the deployment straight from the Developer Console, staying in the same context and streamlining your workflow. You can also manage your application’s code through Visual Studio, and — you guessed it — you can access it directly from the Console.

LiveChat Dev Console Repository Block

Now you know that the Developer Console can optimize and automate a great deal of your work. In fact, you can manage almost your entire development process from the Developer Console’s application view. If you’d like to know more technical details on this process, have a look at our docs.

And what if you’re not a Developer Console user? What can I say — stop wasting time and sign up! It’s a superb place with multiple opportunities to create a passive income stream by building applications. Check out our Developer Program >>

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