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Discussion on: I am Chris Heilmann, Principal Program Manager for the Microsoft Edge developer tools - AMA!

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Liviu Lupei

In recent years, I've noticed a cult of Web Developers that consider a browser as just being a JavaScript interpreter and nothing else.
They only test their changes with Jest and React Testing Library.
How does the Edge team raise awareness about the fact that Web Developers should focus more on cross-browser testing?

hxlnt profile image
Rachel Simone Weil

+1 what Zoher said. A few of us on the Edge DevTools team are also core contributors to webhint (, which is an open-source web linter that provides feedback for best practices on a number of areas, including cross-browser compatibility. As of Edge 85+, webhint is integrated directly into DevTools (in the Issues panel), so you can get real-time feedback about certain HTML/CSS features that aren't compatible with certain browsers. Kind of like MDN or caniuse, but directly in the DevTools. :)

There are some video links at the top of this AMA that have demos of Playwright, webhint, and more if you want to check them out!

zghadyali profile image
Zoher Ghadyali • Edited

We're really interested in learning about your current experience testing your web content across different browsers and making it as easy and straight-forward as possible to include Edge in your testing matrix. We have a new MsEdgeDriver that drives the Chromium-based version of Microsoft Edge for easy migration of your Selenium tests and we also support Puppeteer and Playwright via the executablePath parameter.

Check out our docs for WebDriver and Puppeteer! Additionally, we partner with the Playwright team that is building one API to test the Chromium, Gecko, and WebKit platforms so check out their repo as well.