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Self build PC

It is recommended to do this only if you are confident in your basic knowledge and skills, as a person who does not have even minimal experience has a lot of mistakes: starting from the wrong or not quite accurate selection of components and finishing accidents like "the screwdriver fell on the motherboard and beat off a couple of small details." The mistakes made can easily cross out the saved 5-10% of the cost of a computer, and besides, returning a mistakenly ordered or faulty product to the seller after opening the package can be problematic.

Pros: the same as in the assembly to order, but at the same time the lowest possible price, as well as the confidence that "everything was assembled perfectly, as was done for myself."
Disadvantages: in the absence of the necessary knowledge and skills, there is a high probability of getting an unbalanced system or making critical mistakes.

Factory assembly (known world or domestic brand). It would seem that in this case it all comes down only to the issue of cost, since the performance in this variant almost linearly depends on the price - the higher it is, the more powerful the computer. To further simplify the task, stores often give some models labels like "Best gaming computer", "Computer for work and study", "Optimal computer for home", "Best multimedia computer", etc., and for the potential buyer not to I had to think, they could add a label like "Sales hit 2019" - i.e. take and buy! Naturally, such marketing chips should not be paid attention to, and it is advisable to understand a computer device before buying a bit.

Pros: relative ease of choice, build quality, very often high reliability and quiet operation.
Cons: the inability to change the initial configuration, high price, as well as the modest performance of compact computers; Some models even from decent manufacturers have a very weak cooling system.

Most buyers choose the first or second option.

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