
3 Reasons Why Accessibility is NOT an Edge Case

Lindsey Kopacz on January 17, 2019

The primary question I get from developers is “How do I get my clients on board” or sometimes “How do I convince my boss that it’s worth invest...
marek profile image
Marek Zaluski

It's too bad that the legal angle is currently the most likely way to get buy-in from management.

It's also unfortunate what these legal disputes could do if used as a weapon to shut down small teams with less resources, when wieled by corporate legal teams. I'm thinking of teams of devs that are already under pressure and don't have the tools or know-how to quickly implement accessibility into their projects. They could be shut down too easily.

There's a big need and a big opportunity here: to make accessibility easier to implement for every developer by making the knowledge more available and by building dev tools that can help make the job easier.

ryan profile image

I'm really thankful for auditing tools such as Google's Lighthouse. I had read about accessibility but it seemed very complicated to me. ARIA attributes, form labels, contrast ratios?? But when you're able to click one button and get an itemized list of everything to fix and how to do it, suddenly it's not so hard. I was able to get a site which was not created with accessibility in mind at all, to 100% compliant, in an afternoon 😀

lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz

YAY! I love hearing that!!!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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marek profile image
Marek Zaluski

I'm thinking of challenges like understanding the various ARIA roles and the differences between them, and many developers don't even know that ARIA roles exist because they've never needed to implement them.

Then knowing which ones to use for each of your custom UI controls, and maintaining it all as your UI changes.

What happens if the accessibility attributes get out of sync with the UI because a new developer hasn't been onboarded about accessibility yet? Are incorrect accessibility attributes worse than not having accessibility attributes at all? This is the kind of question that's on my mind when I think about the potential difficulties.

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lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz

@marek , I am working on creating some course content on this, but I also did an ARIA presentation a year or so ago about some of this nuance.

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marek profile image
Marek Zaluski

Amazing, thank you for sharing that.

lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz • Edited

Out of curiosity, what do you find difficult about implementing accessibility?

I find it very simple to implement because a large part of accessibility is using semantic HTML. There's also plenty of dev tools that already exist!

latheresienne profile image

Thanks for sharing!

your_techcoach profile image

Thank you for adding your voice to this issue. Accessibility is the right thing to do, always.

v6 profile image
🦄N B🛡 • Edited

...used as a weapon to shut down small teams with less resources, when wieled by corporate legal teams.

Did that happen with the IRL ADA?

kaveeter profile image

long-time lurker here! I joined specifically so I could comment on your post.

The most effective way I have found to get buy in is to get devs and stakeholders into an environment where they're using a screenreader to navigate their own website.

I agree with all your points - and I'll add to your last. Accessible HTML affects all your users. Google's SEO looks at alt tags, which is a necessity for screen readers but will also help bubble up your website in search results.

lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz

Yes, very true! I want to learn more about SEO in general so I can start making more parallels for this!

Also thank you for being a reader! Love hearing feedback :)

cmilr profile image
Cary Miller

Thank you for this. I’m a mobile developer wanting to make my iOS app as accessible as possible, but I find myself stumbling not on the technicalities of coding it, but the actual verbiage I should be using to describe UI elements to the vision impaired... do you know of any good articles on this? As a person without sight issues, I don’t feel like I’m qualified to say what would be most helpful for these users.

lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz

Hey Cary,

Honestly, instead of using Articles, I would try turning on Voiceover on if you're using an iPhone.

This is a good video of learning to get started on how to use it and how to turn it on. It's built into iOS :)

cmilr profile image
Cary Miller

Thank you for the reply! The video is definitely helpful, but I guess I'm wondering if there's any info out there written by folks with visual disabilities, about how to name UI elements etc, so that an app or webpage is easy to use for them?

I feel like i'm missing the non-technical part of the discussion—which naming conventions, etc, I should use for my UI elements. ie, do I describe what a button does, or just call it a "completion button." The nitty-gritty stuff of actual implementation I guess.

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lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz

To be honest, I am not an iOS developer, so I hope this doesn't get lost in translation. But I would say try your best to not overanalyze how elements render. Ultimately, whatever you do the best thing you can do for a11y is to render things that are semantic. For example, <button> and <main> are semantic and <div> is not. If you use the most semantic rendering, screen readers tend to take away a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

There is some nuance with more custom components and this is where manual testing and learning common screen reader commands come in handy. (Stay tuned for this, this will be my next post)

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cmilr profile image
Cary Miller

Thank you! I look forward to your next post!

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

A great defence of accessibility!

Approximately one of every five people suffer from a disability, which means that you are potentially losing out on 20% of your target audience. If your business had $500,000 of revenue in a month and the site wasn’t accessible, you may have lost out on over $125,000 in potential revenue.

I think this should be $100,000 loss unless I've misunderstood.

lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz

I am talking about if you look back at the month with an inaccessible site and you made $500,0000. If you made that accessible you could be making more in potential revenue. That would make the 500k 80% of the revenue they could have had.

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

Yes, of course. I was working it out backwards 😅

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lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz

haha yeah I get that!

rhymes profile image

Thanks Lindsey! Definitely going to refer to this post at some point in the future, since accessibility has often been an afterthought in my past experience :-/

How's the accessibility level of major CMS systems? Do you have some data about that? A lot of webpages out there are built with those and it would help a lot if such tools and their plugins were accessible by design.

lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz

I know that it's a high priority for the Drupal Core team (as I used to be a Drupal Developer). They did their best to make things accessible out of the box which I appreciated!

Here are a few links on Drupal a11y

WordPress I am not quite as certain about, but I do know that the WordPress Accessibility Lead resigned due to major accessibility flaws with Gutenberg that weren't getting resolved. I don't know what the progress has been since then.

Unfortunately, a lot of accessibility flaws are introduced when people start custom theming things. It might not matter how accessible it is out of the box if someone still customizes it without accessibility in mind.

rhymes profile image

I know that it's a high priority for the Drupal Core team (as I used to be a Drupal Developer). They did their best to make things accessible out of the box which I appreciated!


Unfortunately, a lot of accessibility flaws are introduced when people start custom theming things. It might not matter how accessible it is out of the box if someone still customizes it without accessibility in mind.

Yeah, there's that 😞

equinusocio profile image
Mattia Astorino

You should mention also WCAG authoring practices. They are very useful.

lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz

Yep! WCAG is what I use for everything now.

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

This is awesome, accessibility is so important, this is a great distillation of why!

lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz

Also, by the way, the timing of my post is interesting, because Dominoes lost an a11y legal case for their app and site being inaccessible.