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Kotlin collection methods – groupBy(), sumByDouble(), mapValues(), toSortedMap() example

Kotlin collection methods – groupBy(), sumByDouble(), mapValues(), toSortedMap() example

In the tutorial, Grokonez will show you how to combine Kotlin collection methods: groupBy(), sumByDouble() with Kotlin List and mapValues(), toSortedMap() with Kotlin Map.

1. Kotlin collection methods - groupBy(), sumByDouble(), mapValues(), toSortedMap()

groupBy() with method signature:

public inline fun  Iterable.groupBy(keySelector: (T) -> K): Map>

-> groupBy() is used to group elements of the given collection by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function. Result is a map collection.


val productList = listOf(Product("iPhone 8 Plus 64G", "Apple", 850.00),
                            Product("Samsung Galaxy S8 64GB Unlocked Phone", "Samsung", 699.99),
                            Product("iPad Pro 9.7-inch 32 GB", "Apple", 474.98),
                            Product("Samsung Electronics Ultra HD Smart LED TV", "Samsung", 677.92),
                            Product("Google Pixel Phone - 5 inch display", "Google", 279.95),
                            Product("iPad Pro 9.7-inch 128G", "Apple", 574.99),
                            Product("Google Wifi system 1-Pack", "Google", 149.90),
                            Product("Samsung Galaxy Tab 4", "Samsung", 127.67))

val groupProductsWithMadeBy = productList.groupBy { it-> it.madeBy }
groupProductsWithMadeBy.forEach { println(it) }
    Apple=[Product(name=iPhone 8 Plus 64G, madeBy=Apple, price=850.0), Product(name=iPad Pro 9.7-inch 32 GB, madeBy=Apple, price=474.98), Product(name=iPad Pro 9.7-inch 128G, madeBy=Apple, price=574.99)]
    Samsung=[Product(name=Samsung Galaxy S8 64GB Unlocked Phone, madeBy=Samsung, price=699.99), Product(name=Samsung Electronics Ultra HD Smart LED TV, madeBy=Samsung, price=677.92), Product(name=Samsung Galaxy Tab 4, madeBy=Samsung, price=127.67)]
    Google=[Product(name=Google Pixel Phone - 5 inch display, madeBy=Google, price=279.95), Product(name=Google Wifi system 1-Pack, madeBy=Google, price=149.9)]

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Kotlin collection methods – groupBy(), sumByDouble(), mapValues(), toSortedMap() example

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