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lsm profile image
Marc Liu

Effortless React State Management -


Add Alfa to Your React Project

Use npm to add it to your package.json.

npm install --save alfa

Alternatively, use yarn if you prefer:

yarn add alfa

Getting Data for Components

Alfa converts your regular React component into a dependency injected component by injecting application data from a key/value store. Let Alfa handle the data if you use it in different components:

// hello.js
import React from 'react'
import { inject } from 'alfa'

// A stateless functional component.
function HelloMessage(props) {
  // Data is injected as the property of props.
  return <div>Hello ${}!</div>

export default inject(HelloMessage, ['name'])

inject makes a new component which gets data name from the store and renders HelloMessage internally.

Now let's see how to use the above component in our app:

// index.js
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { inject } from 'alfa'
import HelloMessage from './hello.js'

// Define the root app which renders HelloMessage as a child.
const App = () => (
    <HelloMessage />

// Create the root component using `inject(Component, data)` with initial data.
const Root = inject(App, {
  name: 'Motoko'

render(<Root />, document.getElementById('root'))

We don't need to pass the name to HelloMessage component as Alfa gets that value for us from the store. That allows us to quickly move the component around without worrying about how to get the data.

Changing Data

The simplest way to modify the data of the Alfa store is to inject the set function to the component.

// change.js
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { inject } from 'alfa'

// A stateful class component.
class ChangeName extends Component {
  handleChange = event => {
    // Calling `set('mykey', 'my value')` will change the data `mykey`
    // in store to value `my value`.

  handleSubmit = event => {

  render() {
    return (
      <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>

export default inject(ChangeName, ['set', 'name'], ['name'])

As mentioned earlier Alfa makes things explicit. So we need to define the output of the component explicitly if we want to change a value of a key in the global data store (the 3rd argument when calling function inject). Otherwise, Alfa complains we are trying to use set without defining the correct output.

Now add the ChangeName component to App:

const App = () => (
    <HelloMessage />
    <ChangeName />

If you run the app and modify the value in the input field, the name on the page do not change? Why?

Because components made by inject does not trigger re-render when we change the injected state in the store. We need to replace it with another function called subscribe.

Subscribing Data

We need to call subscribe instead of inject if we want to trigger the re-render of the component when changing the data. Simply swap inject with subscribe, and you can see the name is changing when you are typing in the input field:

// hello.js
import { subscribe } from 'alfa'


// Use function `subscribe` instead of `inject`.
export default subscribe(HelloMessage, ['name'])
// change.js
import { subscribe } from 'alfa'


// Use function `subscribe` instead of `inject`.
export default subscribe(ChangeName, ['set', 'name'], ['name'])

The subscribe has exactly same API as inject. The reason why Alfa provides two functions with slightly different behavior is to let the application developers clear about the type of data they are dealing with - static or dynamic. It not only makes the app more performant but also makes it easier to understand.

You can find the finished version of the above example in the folder examples/hello.

chenshuiluke profile image
Luke Chen Shui

Wow I don't think I've seen anything as useful as this in a long while!

lsm profile image
Marc Liu

Thank you for the compliment. Let me know if you have any issues when you try it out.