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Solace Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Solace Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

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Top 11 Golang Best Practices For 2020


Golang’s adoption is increasing day by day. Recently, Golang has been the true norm to build command line tools. For security cases, Go happens to be doing good in their reports for vulnerabilities, with just one CVE registry since 2002. But, not having vulnerabilities doesn’t imply that the programming language is secure. If we don’t follow best practices, the developed app can cause security issues and sometimes it may fail. So, Here we’ll see some best practices that you must consider while developing software with Golang.

Know the amazing new features of Golang 1.15 at- What’s New In Golang 1.15?

Top 11 Golang Best Practices-

1. Use Of HTML Templates-
Cross-site scripting or XSS is one of the most basic and common vulnerabilities. Generally, this consists of the attacker being able to include malicious code in the app to modify the output. For example, one can send a Javascript code as part of the query string in a url. When the app returns user’s value, Javascript code could be executed. So, as a developer, you must know this and sanitize the user’s input. For encoding what the app will return to the use, Golang has a package template/html. Thus, rather than the browser executing an input like alert(‘You’ve Been Hacked!’);, popping up an alert message; you could encode the info, and the application will treat the input as a typical HTML code printed in the browser. HTML server that returns HTML template looks as below-
package main
import (
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
param1 := r.URL.Query().Get("param1")
tmpl := template.New("hello")
tmpl, _ = tmpl.Parse({{define "T"}}{{.}}{{end}})
tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "T", param1)
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
You can use third-party libraries while developing web apps with Go. Gorilla web toolkit includes libraries to help developers for encoding authentication cookie values. nosurf, which is an HTTP package that helps with the prevention of cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

2. Validate Input-
Validation of entries from the user is for functionality purpose and it also helps to avoid hackers who send harmful data that could damage the system. Also, you can assist users to use the tool by preventing them from making common and silly mistakes. For example, you can prevent a user from deleting several records at the same time. For the validation of user input, you can use native Go packages like strconv to handle string conversions to other data types. Go has support for regular expression with regexp for complicated validations. Despite the fact that Go’s preference is to use local libraries, there are third-party packages like validator. By using a validator, you can include validations for structs or individual fields more easily. For example, the below code validates that the User struct contains a valid email address:

package main
import (

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type User struct {
Email string json:"email" validate:"required,email"
Name string json:"name" validate:"required"
func main() {
v := validator.New()
a := User{
Email: "a",
err := v.Struct(a)
for _, e := range err.(validator.ValidationErrors) {

3. Use gofmt-
To automatically fix most of the mechanical style issues, Run gofmt on your code. Gofmt will read the go code and will show the properly aligned output after indentation, vertical alignment and even it can re-format the comments also.

Commands and options-

gofmt filename- It prints the re-formatted code

gofmt -w filename- It will reformat the code and updates the file.

gofmt -r ‘rule’ filename- Apply rewrite rule to source before reformatting.

gofmt /path/to/ package- It will format the whole package

For example-

package main
import "fmt"
// this is demo to format code
// with gofmt command
var a int=10;
var b int=15;
var c string= “Welcome to Agira”;
func print(){
fmt.Println("Value for a,b and c is : ");
Passing a Command: $ gofmt demo.go-

package main
import "fmt"
// this is demo to format code
// with gofmt command
var a int = 10
var b int = 15
var c string = “Welcome to Agira”
func print() {
fmt.Println("Value for a,b and c is : ")

4. Avoid Nesting By Handling Errors First-
Rather than using multiple or nested conditions, we can break the condition if we should confront error while processing and continue further with coding.

Rather you can do like this:

err := request()
if err != nil {
// handling error
return // or continue, etc.
Less nesting means less cognitive load on the reader. If the if statement has an initialization statement like:

If x, err :=
f(); err !=nil
} else {
// use x
At such a time, this may need to define the short variable declaration in the code:

x, err := f()
if err != nil {
// handling
// use x

5. Protect Yourself From SQL Injections-
Know more at- []

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