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Discussion on: Managing Windows windows within mruby Part 2: Creating a window from mruby

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Luke Stutters

I got the mruby headers and .lib files working on my Windows 10 PC using the following process:

  • After downloading the mruby source from github, check out the 2.1.2 version as follows:
git checkout tags/2.1.2
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  • Build mruby as described in the article in a x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2019 window (ruby minirake)
  • Copy libmruby.lib and libmruby_core.lib to the working directory as described in the article
  • Copy mruby\include to the working directory as described in the article. The mruby.h file and the mruby folder should be in the same directory as the main.cpp file.

Then, I needed to do some things differently to get the article code to compile. The differences needed on my system were:

  • Add /MD to the compiler options, since the ruby minirake task is compiling libmruby.lib and libmruby_core.lib with this option. (I worked this out by looking at the ruby minirake --verbose output. The compiler messages were not helpful.)
  • Add ws2_32.lib to the end of the compile command

My minimal test program for mruby is:

// test.cpp
#include "mruby.h"
#include "mruby/compile.h"
int main() {
    mrb_state *mrb = mrb_open();
    mrb_load_string(mrb, "5.times { puts 'derp' }");
    return 0;
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and the .bat file to compile it is:

rem Build test.cpp
cl /Zi /MD /GR- /nologo /I"%~dp0." test.cpp /link user32.lib libmruby.lib libmruby_core.lib ws2_32.lib
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I needed to specify the absolute path of the working directory with the /I option on my system using the %~dp0.

The last thing that confused me is that adding /SUBSYSTEM:windows /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup to the end of the compile command will hide all printf or puts output from mruby, so I recommend leaving these out while debugging.