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Lukman Hossain
Lukman Hossain

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What is React JS ?


ReactJS is a JavaScript library. It’s used for developing complex and interactive web and mobile UI, especially for a Single Page Application(SPA). ReactJS helps to build reusable UI components because it follows the component based approach.

React Higher-Order components and example:

Higher-order component is an advanced way of reusing the component logic.

  1. Render high jacking.
  2. Props manipulation.
  3. State abstraction and manipulation.
  4. Code reuse, logic, and bootstrap abstraction.

Difference between Virtual Dom and Real Dom:

Virtual Dom:

  1. Fast update but can’t directly update HTML.
  2. DOM manipulation is very easy.
  3. No memory wastage.
  4. Update JSX, If element update.

Real Dom:

  1. Slow update but directly update HTML.
  2. DOM manipulation is very expensive.
  3. Too much memory wastage.
  4. Create a new Dom if element update.

UseState in React:

UseState is a built-in hook that allows adding state to functional components in react package. We use it inside a function component. We use it to create a piece of state without switching to class components.

Reduce in React:

Reduce is a function that specifies how applications state changes in response to an action. It works by taking previous states and actions then returning new values.

Difference between JSX and JS:


  1. JSX is JavaScript XML. Which is a combination of HTML and JavaScript.
  2. Use to write react component.
  3. Making the code easier to read and understandable for the user.


  1. JS is a scripting language of ECMAScript.
  2. Use to make the webpage more interactive.
  3. Basically, it adds life and creativity to a website, making it more engaging.

ReactJS Optimization:

By using the below roles we optimize a react application-

  1. Dependency optimization.
  2. Using immutable Data structures.
  3. Avoiding props in initial states.
  4. Memorize React components.
  5. CSS animation Instead of JS animation.

Happy Learning !!

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