DEV Community

Vince Lwt for Lunary

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What's your honest opinion of the Next.js App Router?

So I tried using the App Router in a new project, but to be honest it felt weird.

For example: server forms, where the backend logic ends up in the same file as the frontend, but it's not clear which code is executed where? not being able to use useState and useEffect in server components, but it works when splitting in another file?

I feel like I just don't get it. Pages router seemed much simpler and clearer.

Maybe I just need to rethink how everything is done, but I don't know, the performance improvements seemed minimal for my use case.

With Next.js 14 coming out, curious to hear from people that fully made the switch on big projects, or those that tried it but didn't get it like me, what do you think? Is it really the future of web dev or meh?

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