DEV Community

Mik Seljamaa 🇪🇪
Mik Seljamaa 🇪🇪

Posted on

Get Started and Avoid Getting Stuck

A Short Mix of Rituals:

  1. 2 min Exercise or a 7 minute tabata
  2. Cold Shock Shower
  3. Rain Sounds
  4. 10 min Breathe or WHM or Box meditation
  5. 9 min code read, timed, repeat if necessary
  6. Find a bug
  7. Write 5 TODOs
  8. Vagal nerve massages, get parasympathetic
  9. Drink Water or Tea
  10. 10 min 40 Hz Audio binaural and Visual flickering
  11. IMST exercising
  12. Clean up code

Rituals That Break Flow:

  1. sugar
  2. podcasts
  3. videos
  4. social media
  5. music with lyrics or vocalisations
  6. messaging
  7. lax self-care
  8. dehydration

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