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Discussion on: How to bypass mobile app review thanks to Capacitor, Ionic, and micro frontends 🤯

maangs profile image
Johan Magnusson •

Great article Robert, informative and easy to follow!

I would like to point out some things that could be helpful to others:

  • I had to downgrade ionic/CLI to v6 for this to work out of the box. v7 seems to be using vite as default instead of webpack.
  • start script for host and remote should be swapped. (remote should be served at port 3002 and not the other way around)
  • If you are using a windows machine you'll get an error when you try to start the remote app. Solution for this is to replace start script with "start": "set PORT=3002&& craco start",
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Robert Orliński •

Thank you Johan for these words and especially - for listing these 3 points for others!