DEV Community

Discussion on: Are You A Fanboy???

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Pragmatic Maciej

People respond when you say fanboys because this word has negative connotation. And exactly it matches how you describe fanboys in this article.

If you say that fanboys are using X, or fanboys are doing Y then don't be surprised that smbd who is preferring these things will respond as saying fanboy is offensive.

If you are comparing X to Y in meritoric way and you see offensive comments towards you. Then you can be sure you deal with a fanboy.

For example changing your React domain into TypeScript. There are fanboys of TypeScript who are not accepting any arguments against it like that there is more code with TypeScript. There is more code it's a fact. In other hand there are JavaScript fanboys who say it's great language for every use case, and when you talk about it flaws you see them directing to You don't know JS books.

So yes fanboys exists, but using word fanboys for proving your point only weakens the argument you make.