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SubReddits Every Developer should follow

I have always been a great fan of Reddit but, I also feel that it is kind of underrated and underutilized when it comes to developers and students. Till now, I have had a great experience over Reddit with seeking feedback, showcasing work, getting solutions, and hence, I felt why not share with everyone how great Reddit is. I have made a curated list of channels that I feel every developer must follow. Feel free to go over it and join the ones you like and I promise you won't regret it.
Also, don't forget to star the repo, as I will be updating it from time to time.


Also, I am looking for contributors to translate this resource in other languages so that it is accessible to all.Feel free to reach out to me if you want to contribute.

Latest comments (6)

justinvincent2 profile image
Justin Vincent
madhunimmo profile image

I am going to that , thanks for the suggestion

benjaminblack profile image
Benjamin Black

/r/badcode can teach you a thing or two

madhunimmo profile image

I am going to that , thanks for the suggestion

igoryamamoto_12 profile image
Igor Yamamoto

Dope list! Some of those subs I already knew, and all of them are definitely worth looking.
Btw I can help you with translations to portuguese. Shout me out on reddit (u/IgorYamamoto)

madhunimmo profile image

Thanks bud. Reach out to me on twitter, lets have a chat