The golden ratio, also called the golden number, golden proportion, or even the divine proportion, is a special relationship between two numbers th...
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Now THAT is interesting. I want more of this!
There's way too many listicles on this site.
Every day there's a dozen posts about top 20 tools to bring back your loved ones from the dead or something at the top of the lists.
Same rehashed stuff.
This is what I want more of.
And if there's a better place for things like this, please recommend. :)
Thank you! You can take a look at some of my earlier posts — recently, I wrote about the solar system and the periodic table in CSS grid.
This is without

— kinda beautiful!Won't lie, this is better without
! This is kind of those things that look better by testing. Just like art in my opinion, you never know what would get cooked.I like them both!
That is a very creative project, Love it!
This got me thinking: If you can find a way to maybe randomize patterns, streaks, colors, etc., you could programmatically create abstract art. Could also be using the HTML canvas tag instead of CSS. Not sure if something like this already exists?
Thank you! I have a work-in-progress project with svg-based art generators, here’s one of them: browser.style/art/bauhaus/
It looks so beautiful 😍
Thank you!
What is even cooler is that the Golden Ratio Nautilus Effect (look up nautilus images to see what I mean), is that it is also seen in the human hand! Seriously, try it starting with the tip of your finger (usually index or middle work fine) and then measuring it to the next joint, and using a tape measure or even a ruler, measuring from fingertip to next joint then the previous joint to the next, to hand (well, wrist) and it goes to the shoulder. Think about it: another proof of order in what we are always told is random chaos. It's too much order. We are not random! Neither are we alone! Seek and you shall find!
Beautiful implementation! Working on a golden ratio project where i've been hung up on a
approach with relative widths while still leverage CSS grid. I couldn't see through the haze of my ideas.Picked the project back up two days ago after an inspiring meet-up poised to dedicate an hour a day. Had yet to look what was out there though, finally waved the white flag in search of others. I find myself inspired again.
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks, happy to hear that!
is the key here, at least for me, who like to “think in grids”.Sooo cool this post/articles @madsstoumann. Was really nice to see your approach and how did you progress to the desired outcome!
There are so many interesting topics to experiment with, keep them coming!
Thank you so much — I have a bunch of geometric art generators coming up!
Great post! I’m also impressed by how well your colours are matching, did you use some online resource for palette generation or something?
I “stole” the colors from an old Bauhaus poster! 🫢
Hey, if it helps to enrich other people's lives, I think taking a little artistic license is, or at least should be, allowed. And with more than a few people commenting and complimenting on the colors alone, including all the other ones, I would say that you certainly did enrich many lives, mine included! Thx again!
(commented earlier, what is even cooler...)
Thank you so much! If you like the Bauhaus palette, I did an SVG version, where you can chose between various other Bauhaus-inspired color palettes:
Awesome, 👍
very cool
Peak CSS creativity. Nice!
Noobs draw art on excel.
Pros draw art with CSS haha
Fascinating stuff you got there
Thank you! I’m just a former graphic designer who see grids everywhere 😂
There is a mathematician on YouTube who shows his process of using math to create images and it is a great example of how mathematicians can make great artists because they have so many tools at their disposal.
Cool, can you share a link?
Got to agree, this is great; maths + css! Colour me impressed.
This is so cool, love it!
I absolutely love this. Super clear, easy to follow, and it's just interesting. Thanks!
Happy to hear that — thanks!
Brilliant move, respect!
Thank you!
Love it! I like the Fibonacci sequence as well.
As someone starting out with web design, this article opened my eyes to a new world of possibilities. Bravo!
Nice! Thanks!