microservices :
- name : user-authentication
port : 9001
version : 1.9
deployed : true
- name : payment-app
port : 9002
version : 1.8
deployed : false
- name : db-app
port : 9003
version : 1.8
deployed : true
## schools --> name, principal --> students --> name,rollnumber,parents,number
- name : MHS
principal : Gius
students :
- name: Mahbub
roolnumber : 7
parents :
- father : rahim
- mother : josna
number: 460
Shipping Fast: Test your knowledge of deployment strategies and techniques
Authentication: Prove you know your OAuth from your JWT
CSS: Demonstrate your styling expertise under pressure
Acronyms: Decode the alphabet soup of web development
Accessibility: Show your commitment to building for everyone
Contestants must answer rapid-fire questions across the full stack of modern web development. Get it right, earn points. Get it wrong? The spice level goes up!
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