We always write codes with our fingers, we always type on our keyboards, and we work hours and hours to create computer programs.
But things we wr...
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Compilers, transpilers, macros, metaprogramming are all powerful and can be incredibly useful. I've seen thousands of lines of code reduced to hundreds or even just dozens of lines of code. However, they shouldn't be what one goes to first and can severely impact clarity if not used judiciously. I wouldn't go so far as to say to "always" write programs that write code. Avoid overengineering. Sometimes you do just need the one-off script or program.
Nit pick: "code" is already plural, so the "s" in "codes" is redundant. "Write Code That Writes Code" (Edit: this isn't 100% correct either. See replies)
Just to nitpick the nitpick: "code" is technically uncountable, like "water." It can be both plural and singular. 😁
"Codes" can also be used properly, e.g., "She has two codes to crack," or "I have two different machine codes to deal with." So the distinction isn't merely pedantic. 😎
You are correct. In referring to computer instructions, "code" is uncountable, not plural.
For others: english.stackexchange.com/question...
In new programming languages we always have a level of abstraction, we have written programming languages to pave the way for us. And that means some works automated by computers.
For example, in the past that we have no programming language except assembly language, for comparing strings, programmers have to write 5 or 6 lines of code, but now we can compare two strings in
just by putting some equal signs between them. And that is automating the process of writing codes.We can have more advanced programming languages, or other approaches that short the way of writing programs. But they not invented, and they are not exist.
Thanks for mentioning mistake.
I do not have enough knowledge of English language, but I can understand programming languages very well. 😃
Ironically, you mention that it would not be needed much with COBOL. In the early 80s when I was a teen, I used code generators all the time to create basic CRUD file maintenance programs that I would then modify for specific business logic. Since just the pre-modidied code was like 40 printed pages long (days of for matrix) it was crazy to write all that by hand. Manual typing errors alone could add days to debugging. The code generators guarantee some level of code consistency and quality, so you knew any problems introduced were from the additional manual code you added.
This is why I like a lot of the CLI tools for various frameworks that will generate the basic boilerplate for a component, model, etc for your app.
Metaprogramming has been around a long time thanks to 'lazy' (aka smart) developers leveraging DYI mindsets.
Though I'm all for code that writes code, it should always be done in a way that is understandable, and preferably compile-time with type+syntax checking if possible.
Personally I've been using c# attributes and python decorators to automate a lot of code for me, and it has been delightful
I believe that in the future, the computer software environment will be able to independently write the necessary code to create the necessary functions for a person. I am surprised that there is still no such thing. But modern technologies can help me write my research paper on special services. One of these websites is the paperial.com/write-my-research-paper I think this will be useful to many students. Students will be able to improve their skills through similar educational services and this will require a minimum of resources.
You are literally describing nim-lang.org
That has come a part of the way. But that isn't complete and perfect. we can always have something better than what we already have. maybe a program that writes nim languages codes.
I'm really frightening about the age, when code really starts to write code.
Here's a link to their newsletter procjam.com/seeds/issues/3/
Have you heard of Procjam? ( twitter.com/procjam ) you should take a look at their work and potentially collaborate perhaps?
very good ideas for being generative, and best place for those who do not have time.
I don't understand your logic exactly!!!
Have you ever tried to maintain a big and unmaintainable source code?
That is so true we need to foresee the future and make thimgs impler by inventing new approaches.
Good job