
Cover image for Creating a rudimentary pool table game using React, Three JS and react-three-fiber: Part 1

Creating a rudimentary pool table game using React, Three JS and react-three-fiber: Part 1

Manan Joshi on October 28, 2019

For a long time, I wanted to learn and get started with WebGL. Having done some work with OpenGL I thought WebGL would be a great addition to know ...
jonasroessum profile image
Jonas Røssum • Edited

Great article!
I really needed it two days ago, since I started experimenting with react-three-fiber and OrtbitControls!


This part felt a bit out of place:

You all know how to do this, so bye-bye and happy coding.

I was just kidding. So now, let's create a canvas.

Also, maybe you could rephrase this part:

Just one last thing to do here is the canvas doesn't take the entire height of the screen.
So in your index.css just add the following lines

For the part about Editing the camera settings, do you intend to only do this on initial render further in the article series? If not, I would recommend putting it in a useEffect call, to prevent the camera from resetting in each render

const { camera } = useThree()

useEffect(() => {
  camera.fov = 45
  camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight
  camera.near = 0.1
  camera.far = 1000

  camera.up.set(0, 0, 1)
  camera.position.set(-5, 7, 5)
}, [])
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Other than a few missing commas here and there, really nice article!

manan30 profile image
Manan Joshi

Thanks for the feedback. The camera is used for a couple of other things further down the line but this is a really good suggestion to wrap the camera in an useEffect call.

controlplusb profile image
Sean Matheson

This is amazing. Thanks for posting!

manan30 profile image
Manan Joshi

Thank you!!

seanmclem profile image

Your first code sample appears to be missing some imports

manan30 profile image
Manan Joshi

Could you please point me to that? As far as I remember the code sample will work well.

seanmclem profile image
Seanmclem • Edited

Creating a basic scene:

First code sample uses mesh, boxBufferGeometry, and meshNormalMaterial, but only imports react. If that's accurate - how does that work?

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manan30 profile image
Manan Joshi

Sorry for the late reply. So the way this works is if you are aware that the jsx we write in React is not valid HTML but there is a plugin that transpiles those calls into React.createElement call. The same way when you write <mesh /> or <boxBufferGeometry> or any of the components in the three.js catalog react-three-fiber will go and convert those calls to three js calls. For starters check out this and this

thisispete profile image

I'm getting errors when I get to the orbit controls.. "The above error occurred in the component:" "Uncaught TypeError: target is not a constructor" ...

thisispete profile image

import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls'

looks like this line changed and now needs to be destructured from OrbitControls

abdelrahmanlotfy profile image

Thanks , great tutorial .