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Cover image for Task force 5.0 Week three recap{stereotype}
Maniple Kwizera
Maniple Kwizera

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Task force 5.0 Week three recap{stereotype}

Another week of happiness and challenges, we started with values where we sow code of Africa values and why they took that values.
This week we get into stereotype for deference cultures, for myself I sow that stereotype can be miss understanding to difference people where we can do sign or gestures to mean something where on other hand means dad thing.
This showed me that first thing to understand and communicate with new people with difference cultural is to first make research on their cultural so that you can not make a mistake through the first impression.
The biggest challenge I meet this week was the preparation of presentation where we had short time to make it.
It was a challenge to as it was technical skills to make it so that any challenging question on that stage I was not able well to answer them.
But all in all I tried hard to overcome those questions and Kagabo helped us to.
But it was good experience to overcome that challenge to learn quickly and deliver some of the given content.
We also continued deep in cultural awareness where we sow much how we think difference opinions
As the fact and opinions with searching more information on difference point.
We also sow about database structure of the system we will build through this taskforce we designed the structure of the system.
All in all this week was challenging week but more experienced through many things but mainly values and communication I sow that to communication well first to research on the people’s cultural so that I can not make a mistake thinking am doing good.
Thanks to Task Force #CoA and #Awesomity Lab.

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