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Discussion on: Basic post navigation with React and the WordPress Rest Api.

marcomaffei3 profile image
Marco Maffei 🦁

Dear Stephan,

Thank you for this snippet, I've been looking for something similar for a while. I was trying a different approach with fetch or Promise, but I hadn't got lucky until I found your snippet.

I would like to ask you a suggestion about how to change a little bit the code, instead of having a previous and a next button, I would like to create a pagination. I did a project on my github account with the wordpress API and vanilla javascript, but I built in PHP (so essentially I created a query in sql and then I return a json file from it, and I used ajax to retrieve the data and have a super fast pagination of my post, or really any kind of route you can built with the wordpress-api).

I've been using react since a couple of months, and I found it very challenging.

In any case, I would like to change this behavior:

Page {page} of {nrofpages}

I would like to map the nrofpages variable so I can create a markup (

  • ${i}
) but I'm pretty sure it won't work, so I was trying to figure it out what could be the best approach to create a pagination for this component.

If you want to have a look at the plugin that I create for wordpress, here's the link:

Please let me know what is your thought regarding it and thank you in advance for your answer!

vanaf1979 profile image
Stephan Nijman

Hey Marco,

Thanks for you kind feedback. :)
As for your Question... Could you send me a DM on Twitter @vanaf1979 ? I might be able to help you out.

