Make sure the service worker you have set up on your Cloud Run service has IAM roles cloudtrace.agent
. if you are using terraform, it will be set up as such:
resource "google_project_iam_binding" "service_permissions" {
for_each = toset([
role = "roles/${each.key}"
Install the required pip packages from OpenCensus and google-cloud-trace
. Which is the new hotness that merged OpenTracing
and OpenMetrics into one beautiful package. I have added these to my requirements.txt
Then pip install -r requirements.txt
Now we simply have to configure django settings to include the opencensus middleware and tell the package to export it in StackDriver (now Google Cloud Operations/Monitoring) format.
On my core settings file /core/settings/
, we have:
'TRACE': {
'EXPORTER': 'opencensus.ext.stackdriver.trace_exporter.StackdriverExporter()',
'PROPAGATOR': 'opencensus.trace.propagation.google_cloud_format.GoogleCloudFormatPropagator()',
And let's build the new image with gcloud builds submit
or by using a Cloud Trigger. And we are done! Now you can check the Google Trace console to see your traces in action.
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