DEV Community

Discussion on: Redux is Dead: Long Live Redux Toolkit

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Mark Erikson

What specific concerns do you have?

The only uses of "currying" I can think of are writing middleware, which is a very rare use case, and the connect API, which has basically been replaced by useSelector.

Looking at your linked lib, you show this example:

import { createModel } from '@captaincodeman/rdx'

export const counter = createModel({
  state: 0,
  reducers: {
    add(state, value: number) {
      return state + number
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RTK's createSlice is effectively identical to that:

const counterSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'counter',
  initialState: 0,
  reducers: {
    add(state, action) {
      return state + action.payload;
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and RTK is written in TS and designed for a great TS usage experience:

The only immediate difference I see is that RTK's action creators and reducers are still standalone functions, rather than being attached to a store instance.