I have already opened a discussion where I received help for some problems I had, now I would like to improve the code but I need help. I would like to display the ticket number, date and result in the same table which currently only displays the results of counting tickets every hour. Eventually I should have a complete table of data to view. I have to do the count from 07:00 to 15:00 every day and count the tickets every hour He currently works with a set date but I would like to automate the monthly count and thus have monthly reports for each year. Thanks to all who help me and give their contribution. the problem is that now i see the count but i can't insert the ticket_id and the created_at in the table too and i need to see these two fields too together with the count
for ($month = 1; $month <= 12; $month++) {
$startOfMonth = Carbon::now()->startOfMonth();
$endOfMonth = Carbon::now()->endOfMonth();
$uptimeData = Ticket::whereBetween('created_at', [$startOfMonth->format('Y-m-d 07:00:00'), $endOfMonth->format('Y-m-d 15:00:00')])
->orderBy('created_at', 'asc')
->select('ticket_Id', 'created_at')
$intervals = \Carbon\CarbonInterval::hours(1)->toPeriod($startOfMonth, $endOfMonth);
$uptimeDataTimeline = $uptimeData->groupBy(function ($item, $key) use ($intervals) {
$date = Carbon::parse($item->created_at);
foreach ($intervals as $key => $interval) {
if ($date->hour == Carbon::parse($interval)->addHours(1)->hour) {
$actualHour1 = Carbon::parse($interval)->hour;
if (strlen($actualHour1) == 1) $actualHour1 = "0$actualHour1";
return $date->format("Y-m-d $actualHour1:00:00");
else if ($date->hour == Carbon::parse($interval)->addHours(1)->hour) {
$actualHour2 = Carbon::parse($interval)->subHours(1)->hour;
if (strlen($actualHour2) == 1) $actualHour2 = "0$actualHour2";
return $date->format("Y-m-d $actualHour2:00:00");
return $date->format('Y-m-d H:00:00');
$uptimeDataTimeline = $uptimeDataTimeline->map(function($checksInPeriod, $key){
$down = 0;
$up = 0;
$total = 0;
$uptime = 0;
$fill = '#1fc777';
foreach($checksInPeriod as $key => $value){
if ($total <= 4) {
} else {
$uptime = floatval(number_format(round($up / $total, 5) * 100, 2, '.',','));
if ($uptime < 100) $fill = '#9deab8';
if ($uptime < 99) $fill = '#fbaa49';
if ($uptime < 98) $fill = '#e0465e';
return [
'total_ticket_Id' => $total,
'down_ticket_Id' => $down,
'up_ticket_Id' => $up,
'uptime' => $uptime,
'fill' => $fill,
@foreach((array)$dataset as $ticket)
{{ $ticket['ticket_Id'] }}
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