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Martin Roy πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
Martin Roy πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

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4 Amazing Ways To Animate Your Website

Once upon a time, the animation was an element used solely in the field of entertainment. While it was delightful seeing animated characters on screens, and indulge in stellar 3D movies, someone decided to implement the same technology in a website! Animating your website might sound like a ridiculous idea, but the results are tremendous. People have moved on from enjoying static sites to interactive ones. Besides, the law of nature is that a moving object catches a person's attention better and faster than a dormant one. With animations incorporated in your site, visitors will feel more involved and thereby the conversion rate will go up!

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Here are 4 Amazing Ways to Animate your Website:

1) Providing Animated Guides: When on a website, not every user will know their way around. Depending on how complicated the site is, and the number of features it houses, there can be ample confusion in the visitor's mind. By placing navigational animations, you can guide your users around the various aspects of your website. Not only does this make the user experience better, it indirectly prompts them to participate in the respective action.

2) Advertise Information: When a website has too many elements, a user is bound to lose focus. From buttons on the top, user panels, and what not! Amidst all this, you might seek to capture a user's attention at a particular point. With a neat animation in place, you can drive the visitor's attention to where you want to!

3) Animate Loading Processes: Instead of having a static message that says "loading", inserting an animation that displays the percentage or the status of an action will work much better. The former has the potential to drive away customers, and the latter will retain their much-needed attention!

4) Tell Your Story: Most websites have something they want to convey to a user. Some do it through "About us"; this is a really good way of reaching a user on a personal level, building trust, while also motivating them with your story. Having a small animation that shows that you are and what built you will go a tremendously long way.

A business website design is what your venture needs! With the expert, Openwave, by your side, your website will be miles ahead of others'. Call us today, and hire our professional website designers. We will transform your site into a compelling masterpiece that will leave the users glued!

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