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Anonymous Functions vs Named Functions vs Arrow Functions

Analogy | Absence | Example on April 13, 2021

First you learn the syntax to create a function, and that's fine. Then you start hearing about anonymous functions, and they look a bit different a...
mail2lawi profile image

Thanks so much for this guide. Very helpful for a beginner like I.

I have a few questions though.

  1. I found wording is a bit confusing in the last 2 code snippets. You are converting a function named brag to an anonymous function yet from the code it looks like the function was anonymous to begin with.

  2. And the one that I'm more curious about, is there a way to do the same conversion but using an arrow function syntax instead? I tried it and keep getting the SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

// Arrow function works ok
var brag = (count) => {
     return ("Arrow: I can do " + count + " pushups")
console.log(brag (30)) // Arrow: I can do 30 pushups

// Embedded into console.log fails
console.log((count) => {
     return ("Arrow: I can do " + count + " pushups")
} (30)) //SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
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Is there a rule against this kind of convention?

mathlete profile image
Analogy | Absence | Example • Edited

@mail2lawi You are 100% correct! I meant to write a named function, but I wrote an anonymous function instead. I have now corrected it, thanks to you!

badgamerbad profile image
Vipul Dessai

here the IIFE syntax is incorrect, i.e. the round brackets around the arrow function are missing

// Embedded into console.log fails
console.log(((count) => {
     return ("Arrow: I can do " + count + " pushups")
})(30)) // Arrow: I can do 30 pushups
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blindfish3 profile image
Ben Calder

Arrow functions are more (and less) than just a shorthand to anonymous functions; which make then useful in particular cases. They preserve the context of this, which solves some really confusing scoping issues that previously required closures or bind(this).
There's some discussion of this in the MDN docs

jyotirmoydeb1782 profile image

Very good answer

mathlete profile image
Analogy | Absence | Example

Great point, thanks!

angela profile image
Angela • Edited

I think this article really needs an update. because for people who didn't read Ben Calder's comment. the takeaway might be "Arrow functions are just shorter alternatives to anonymous expressions."

additional information on how arrow function is different here:

mathlete profile image
Analogy | Absence | Example

Thanks for the nudge, @angela! I've updated the post.

mlefkon profile image
Marc Lefkon

Another difference on arrow vs anonymous functions I've found: it seems arrow functions are not constructors. Therefore fnC=() => {}; c=new fnC(); will error with fnC is not a constructor. While an anonymous function fnB = function() {}; b=new fnB(); will instantiate an empty { } object.

alin11 profile image
Ali Nazari

Is anonymous function the same as function expression?

mathlete profile image
Analogy | Absence | Example


john_bogart_cd115e97fd7d1 profile image
John Bogart • Edited

This article is full of blatant misinformation and I cannot believe this is the first result for anonymous vs arrow functions on google.

An anonymous function IS NOT a function expression. Anonymous functions typically use function expressions so there is a way to refer to them, but that does not mean the concepts are the same. You can pass an anonymous function as a callback argument to another function (created inline), aka an example of an anonymous function that isn't an expression.

The concepts are closely related as they are used together, but they are DISJOINT and describe separate things.

jyotirmoydeb1782 profile image

There is a difference between arrow function and anonymous function...the explanation is not right....

mathlete profile image
Analogy | Absence | Example

Care to elaborate?