DEV Community

Discussion on: Looking for Go open source idea

mathprocessing profile image

I think about something for developers, tool that helps for formatting, or checking some things.

  • interactive tutorial how to do something: create package, ...
  • some math tools that works with bigintegers or bigrationals (i can help)
  • something like steganography library but this is already exists

This have very few similar projects:

General idea:

mrtztg profile image

Thanks @mathprocessing
Can you give some information about the second one?
some math tools that works with bigintegers or bigrationals (i can help)

mathprocessing profile image
Евгений • Edited

Something like this but for go

Main idea: A lot of libraries exist that performs operations only with floats and calculations have unpredictable error. And some libraries can be "moved" to rational domain.

Example of code:

const { r } = require('./my-big-rat');

console.log(0.2 + 0.1); // 0.30000000000000004
const some = r(0.2).add(r(0.1));
console.log(some); // 3/10
console.log(some.toDecimal()); // 0.3
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mrtztg profile image

Got it. I'll do so research about it. Thanks

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shogg profile image
shogg • Edited

Go had big.Int, big.Rat and big.Float from the beginning.
stdlib package: math/big