DEV Community

Discussion on: Introducing a New Fullstack TypeScript DX for AWS

mauerbac profile image
Matt Auerbach

Hi --

Thanks for sharing this feedback. I'm Matt on the Amplify product team. Any chance you could DM me to hop on a quick feedback call? I wanted to call a few things out:

1) We updated our default build image to support Node 18 plus other latest version back in February.

2-3) We have an on-going initiative to improve caching with CloudFront. This work will be completed in a few weeks and should address the points you brought up. Curious to hear about your architecture to understand page load time -- this is another big investment area where we have ongoing work.

Let me know if you'd be open to chat!

Matt A

logarithmicspirals profile image

Hey @mauerbac, thanks for replying! Unfortunately, I don't think I have time for a feedback call, but I appreciate your call outs.

What would be a good place to keep an eye out for the caching updates?

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mauerbac profile image
Matt Auerbach

No worries! yeah, i'd be curious to get your take on our caching update. Keep an eye on our Twitter, Blog or Discord . Should be in just a few weeks we announce them.

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logarithmicspirals profile image

Thanks! I've enjoyed using Amplify overall, so I'm looking forward to these updates 🙂. I'll have to circle back and do some more in depth comparisons once the updates are available 👍.