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CKAD Exam Study Guide: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer

If you’re seeking information on CKAD certification, CKAD exam details, CKAD syllabus, or CKAD practice exams, you’ve come to the right place. Designed specifically for Kubernetes developers, our guide is tailored to help you excel in the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Exam.

In this comprehensive CKAD Exam guide, you’ll find a thorough exploration of the CKAD exam’s crucial components. Moreover, we’ll share invaluable tips and insights that played a pivotal role in achieving remarkable CKAD exam results.

Looking to save on your CKAD exam voucher? We’ve got you covered as well with information on cost-effective options for Kubernetes developer certification exam fees. Let’s embark on this CKAD certification journey together.

What is Kubernetes ?

Kubernetes, also referred to as “kube” or “k8s,” is software that automatically manages, scales, and maintains multi-container workloads in desired states.

Modern software is increasingly run as fleets of containers, sometimes called microservices. A complete application may comprise many containers, all needing to work together in specific ways. Kubernetes is software that turns a collection of physical or virtual hosts (servers) into a platform that:

Hosts containerized workloads, providing them with compute, storage, and network resources, and
Automatically manages large numbers of containerized applications — keeping them healthy and available by adapting to changes and challenges

Why use Kubernetes?

One of the benefits of Kubernetes is that it makes building and running complex applications much simpler. Here’s a handful of the many Kubernetes features:

  • Standard services like local DNS and basic load-balancing that most applications need, and are easy to use.
  • Standard behaviors (e.g., restart this container if it dies) that are easy to invoke, and do most of the work of keeping applications running, available, and performant.

  • A standard set of abstract “objects” (called things like “pods,” “replicasets,” and “deployments”) that wrap around containers and make it easy to build configurations around collections of containers.

  • A standard API that applications can call to easily enable more sophisticated behaviors, making it much easier to create applications that manage other applications.

The simple answer to “what is Kubernetes used for” is that it saves developers and operators a great deal of time and effort, and lets them focus on building features for their applications, instead of figuring out and implementing ways to keep their applications running well, at scale.

By keeping applications running despite challenges (e.g., failed servers, crashed containers, traffic spikes, etc.) Kubernetes also reduces business impacts, reduces the need for fire drills to bring broken applications back online, and protects against other liabilities, like the costs of failing to comply with Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

What is the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam?

The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certification stands as one of the most sought-after credentials in today’s industry landscape. Geared towards engineers with a passion for conceiving, creating, constructing, and overseeing applications within Kubernetes.

This program, the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD), serves to validate the aptitude, understanding, and proficiency of individuals in fulfilling the role of Kubernetes application developers.

CKAD Exam Details

Exam Duration   2 hours
Pass Percentage 66%
CKAD Exam Kubernetes Version    Kubernetes 1.28
CKAD Validity   3 Years
Exam Cost   $395 ( GET 20 % OFF using Coupon TECK20)
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Linux Foundation CKAD Exam Syllabus ( Updated Latest1.28)

In this section of CKAD Exam Study Guide , we will introduce The CKAD syllabus which outlines the different domains and competencies you’ll need to master in order to pass the exam and become a certified CKAD.

Linux Foundation CKAD Exam Syllabus

Top 5 Tips for CKAD Exam in 2023

Practice , Practice , Practice …

This exam is hands-on in nature, emphasizing the importance of proficiency with the Kubernetes command line interface (kubectl).

It is essential to cultivate a high level of comfort and familiarity with kubectl, practicing the art of typing commands swiftly and accurately.

As mentioned earlier, please ensure that you review the practice exam provided in Mumshad Mannambeth’s Udemy course. It is highly recommended to enroll in the two killer,sh, hands-on sessions and aim for outstanding scores in order to thoroughly prepare yourself before attempting the actual exam.

Time Management

Since you will be executing the kubectl command multiple times, setting up aliases can save you valuable seconds with each entry. For instance, assigning an alias like ‘k’ for ‘kube-control’ can potentially grant you an additional minute or two towards the end of the exam

alias k=kubectl
In the exam, you have the privilege to access and consult the Kubernetes documentation pages for obtaining crucial information. This unique aspect sets the Kubernetes certification exam apart from others, as it assesses your capability to effectively utilize the documentation rather than relying solely on memorization.

To excel in the exam, it is essential to become well-acquainted with the documentation’s structure and practice efficient searching techniques. Please be aware that using bookmarks is not allowed during the exam, so it is advised to refrain from attempting to do so.

During the exam, managing your time efficiently is crucial. With approximately 15 to 20 questions of varying difficulty levels, it’s essential to make strategic decisions regarding time allocation. Don’t get trapped on a single challenging question and exhaust all your time.

Do not begin your exam from Question 1! Each question has a Task Weight and you should aim to complete higher score questions first.

Remember that achieving a perfect score is not necessary to pass the exam. A minimum score of 66% or above is sufficient

Review Completed Tasks

After each question, it is crucial to review your work meticulously to ensure accuracy. Avoid the risk of spending 10-15 minutes on a question and unintentionally overlooking potential errors

For example, if you have created a pod , it is highly recommended to check its status before moving on to another task. This verification step ensures that the pod is created and started.

kubelet get pod <podName>

Stress Management

You will be able to complete the exam in 2 hours.
PLEASE DON’T get panic because :

First: if it is your first attempt then you have the other left.
Second: is that you only need 66 % to crack the exam 🙂

Configuration Management during the Exam

As mentioned previously, the CKA exam environment consists of six clusters, each with its own dedicated set of nodes. It is essential to emphasize the significance of switching contexts correctly between these clusters before attempting any tasks in the exam.

One common mistake individuals make is performing actions on the wrong cluster. To avoid this, ensure that you carefully switch the context to the intended cluster before executing any commands or tasks. Paying close attention to this detail will help maintain accuracy throughout the exam and prevent errors caused by working on the wrong cluster

At the start of each task you’ll be provided with the command to ensure you are on the correct cluster to complete the task , for example :

kubectl config use-context k8s
An example of command to ssh to a master node :

ssh mk8s-master-0
Us elevated privileges on the master node :

sudo -i


Congratulations on completing our comprehensive CKAD exam study guide. By following the roadmap we’ve provided and mastering the essential concepts, you’re well on your way to becoming a Certified Kubernetes Application Developer. Remember to practice regularly, explore additional resources, and stay up to date with the latest Kubernetes developments. Best of luck in your CKAD exam journey!

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