DEV Community

melissa cagle
melissa cagle

Posted on

Overcoming Obstacles

        I have overcome many obstacles in my life the first being my 

birth. I was due at the end of September but made my grand entrance into

the world bright and early on the ninth of July. Weighing in at a mere

two pounds eight ounces. I spent ninety days in the hospital until I was

strong enough to live outside of an incubator.

       The next obstacle I encountered was moving to four different 

towns and attending six different schools between the years of

kindergarten to my Senior year of high school. I was a shy, awkward only

child, that struggled after every move to yet again find my place and

fit in with my peers. After that looking back I feel a lot of the

obstacles I faced were due to the choices I made in my life.

       While still in high school I chose to get pregnant and  

married in that order. By twenty I was divorced and living back at

home with my parents,and I accidentally burned their house down. My

parents, my daughter and myself spent the next six weeks sharing a small

motel room until they found a new house,in yet again another town. At

least this time it was a town we had already lived in so I already had

friends there. I was also employed with Target at the time so I was able

to transfer from my home store in Oklahoma City to the Norman store.

From the motel we moved to a small two bedroom apartment in Norman.

Smart move on my parents nothing will motivate your adult child living

back at home with her parents to hurry up and move out

of their home than to have her share a very small bedroom room with her

with her own one year old child. And reinstate the same rules and curfew

she had as a teen.

         Finally I got my own apartment with my daughter,was still 

employed with Target and was attending college.Fast forward two years

and I've dropped out of college and I'm married again.

        Five years later my son is born and it takes me until he is

nne years old before I can obtain a definitive Autism diagnoisis for

him. While knowing since he was aorund four years old that he had it.

I never gave up until he had the diagnosis and the needed accomadations

at school to learn mainstream with his peers.

          My most recent blessing disguied as an obstacle,was coming to 

terms with the fact that I had spent nearly twenty-five years with a

spouse who was abusive,and I had refused to see it or believe it.

      Had I not taken that path for my life I would not have had the 

blessing of Palomar and Ctrl+Shift code school being in my life today.

This is the first time in my life I can remember being excited to learn.

Anxious if I'm not working my coding assignments.Wanting to spend all of

my time learning all that I can. And even though I'm stll not sure of

what I'm doing I love every frustrating second of it.

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