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Getting Started with INFINI Framework - Our homemade framework for building enterprise golang applications

We recently open-sourced our homemade framework for building enterprise golang applications, called INFINI Framework.

The github repo is

In this article, I will show you how to get started with INFINI Framework.

Create New Application

Let's use the NewAPP as the new project for example.

Create the project folder

Use the name new_app as the project id, and create the project folder as below:

cd ~/go/src/
mkdir new_app
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Note: Ensure that new_app is located in the same directory as the framework folder. This structure is required for the Makefile to function correctly.

Create the main file

Create a empty main.go file, and paste the code as below:

package main

import (

func main() {

        terminalHeader := ("     __               _      ___  ___ \n")
        terminalHeader += ("  /\\ \\ \\_____      __/_\\    / _ \\/ _ \\\n")
        terminalHeader += (" /  \\/ / _ \\ \\ /\\ / //_\\\\  / /_)/ /_)/\n")
        terminalHeader += ("/ /\\  /  __/\\ V  V /  _  \\/ ___/ ___/ \n")
        terminalHeader += ("\\_\\ \\/ \\___| \\_/\\_/\\_/ \\_/\\/   \\/     \n\n")

        terminalFooter := ("Goodbye~")
        app := framework.NewApp("new_app", "Make a golang application is such easy~.",
                util.TrimSpaces(config.Version), util.TrimSpaces(config.BuildNumber), util.TrimSpaces(config.LastCommitLog), util.TrimSpaces(config.BuildDate), util.TrimSpaces(config.EOLDate), terminalHeader, terminalFooter)
        defer app.Shutdown()
        if app.Setup(func() {
        }, func() {
        }, nil) {
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We use this online tool to generate a beauty ASCII based terminal header.

Create the config file

touch new_app.yml
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Create the makefile

create a empty Makefile, and paste the code as below:


# APP info
APP_NAME := new_app
APP_EOLDate ?= "2025-12-31T10:10:10Z"

include ../framework/Makefile
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Build the application

➜  new_app OFFLINE_BUILD=true make build
building new_app 1.0.0_SNAPSHOT main
framework path:  /Users/medcl/go/src/
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
update generated info
update configs
(cd ../framework/  && make update-plugins) || true # build plugins in framework
GOPATH=~/go:~/go/src/ CGO_ENABLED=0 GRPC_GO_REQUIRE_HANDSHAKE=off  GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT="1" GO111MODULE=off go build -a  -gcflags=all="-l -B"  -ldflags '-static' -ldflags='-s -w' -gcflags "-m"  --work  -o /Users/medcl/go/src/
./main.go:17:9: can inline main.deferwrap1
./main.go:21:12: can inline main.func2
./main.go:18:22: func literal does not escape
./main.go:19:45: &api.APIModule{} escapes to heap
./main.go:21:12: func literal escapes to heap
restore generated info
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Run the application

➜  new_app git:(main) ✗ ./bin/new_app
     __               _      ___  ___
  /\ \ \_____      __/_\    / _ \/ _ \
 /  \/ / _ \ \ /\ / //_\\  / /_)/ /_)/
/ /\  /  __/\ V  V /  _  \/ ___/ ___/
\_\ \/ \___| \_/\_/\_/ \_/\/   \/

[NEW_APP] Make a golang application is such easy~.
[NEW_APP] 1.0.0_SNAPSHOT#001, 2024-12-16 06:15:10, 2025-12-31 10:10:10, HEAD
[12-16 14:15:19] [INF] [env.go:203] configuration auto reload enabled
[12-16 14:15:19] [INF] [env.go:209] watching config: /Users/medcl/go/src/
[12-16 14:15:19] [INF] [app.go:311] initializing new_app, pid: 64426
[12-16 14:15:19] [INF] [app.go:312] using config: /Users/medcl/go/src/
[12-16 14:15:19] [INF] [api.go:214] local ips:
[12-16 14:15:19] [INF] [api.go:312] api server listen at:
[12-16 14:15:19] [INF] [module.go:159] started module: api
[12-16 14:15:19] [INF] [module.go:184] all modules are started
[12-16 14:15:19] [INF] [instance.go:101] workspace: /Users/medcl/go/src/
[12-16 14:15:19] [INF] [app.go:537] new_app is up and running now.
[NEW_APP] got signal: interrupt, start shutting down
[12-16 14:15:23] [INF] [module.go:213] all modules are stopped
[12-16 14:15:23] [INF] [app.go:410] new_app now terminated.
[NEW_APP] 1.0.0_SNAPSHOT, uptime: 4.13334s

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The demo code can be found here.

By leveraging the INFINI Framework, creating a Go application becomes significantly simpler and more efficient.
The framework provides built-in commands and modules, streamlining the development process and enabling you to focus on building your application's core functionality.

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