
Randi Schreiner
Randi Schreiner

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Buttons, Buttons and more Buttons

So this week was project week for phase 2 of my time at Flatiron school. I was a little flustered coming into the week - more because of technical difficulties than anything - but once I got started on this project, I really enjoyed it.

This project was essentially about using Sinatra and the basic CRUD actions. Setting up the initial base of this project was super easy and I need to give some serious props to the Corneal gem and its creator. This gem is a serious time-saver and this guy is a genius.

During the creation of my project, I learned so much about everything from Flexbox Link to color schemes Link, but the one thing I really found myself spending WAY too much time on were the buttons! Now, I know this is just a styling thing and possibly not critical in the grand scheme of things but I will say I learned a TON while trying to make these darn buttons work (thanks Google!).

Just some quick advice to anyone on a similar journey with buttons, don't go it alone. There are tons of websites out there to help you create a button Link. Once you get the general idea, copy the code they give you. It will look something like this:
.myButton {
border:1px solid #18ab29;
padding:16px 31px;
text-shadow:0px 1px 0px #2f6627;
.myButton:hover {
.myButton:active {

Once you get this into your program, you can mess around with the background-color to change the color of your button, color to change the text color, padding to change size relative to the text - just play around until you love it!

During one of my arguements with buttons, I found myself in a loop with Google continually telling me I needed Javascript to do what I wanted. The problem with this - I don't know Javascript! But, try as I might, I couldn't find a satisfactory alternative. So, Javascript it was. Needless to say, I know 2 lines of Javascript now, just enough to get through exactly what I wanted. But sometimes that's enough for now. And everything worked out in the end.

Check it out if you would like and give me ideas on how to make it better!

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