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Tanveer Hussain Mir
Tanveer Hussain Mir

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React Js libraries every developer should know

React.js has a vast ecosystem of libraries and tools that can help developers build powerful, efficient, and maintainable applications. Here's a list of some essential React.js libraries that developers should be familiar with:

  1. React Router: A routing library for React that enables navigation and routing in single-page applications.

  2. Redux: A predictable state container for JavaScript applications. Redux helps manage application state in a centralized store, making it easier to maintain and debug large applications.

  3. Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making AJAX requests. It's commonly used for fetching data from APIs in React applications.

  4. Styled Components: A CSS-in-JS library that allows you to write actual CSS code within your JavaScript components. It offers a more maintainable and scoped styling approach.

  5. Material-UI: A popular React UI framework that provides a set of customizable and responsive components following the Material Design guidelines.

  6. Formik: A library for building forms in React. Formik simplifies form management by handling form state, validation, and submission.

  7. React Query: A library for managing, caching, and syncing data in React applications. It simplifies data fetching and state management for server-side data.

  8. React Helmet: A library for managing document head tags in React applications. It allows you to dynamically update meta tags, titles, and other document head elements.

  9. React Testing Library: A testing library for React that provides utilities for testing React components in a user-centric way. It encourages best practices for writing maintainable and accessible tests.

  10. React Hook Form: A lightweight library for building forms with React hooks. It emphasizes performance and flexibility while simplifying form management.

  11. Storybook: A tool for developing UI components in isolation. Storybook allows you to build and test React components independently, making it easier to develop and maintain UI libraries.

  12. SWR (Stale-While-Revalidate): A React hooks library for data fetching. It provides built-in caching and revalidation strategies to optimize data fetching in React applications.

  13. React Query Devtools: A devtools extension for React Query that provides a visual interface for inspecting and debugging data fetching in React applications.

  14. React-i18next: A localization library for React applications. It allows you to internationalize your React components easily and efficiently.

  15. React Icons: A library that provides popular icon packs as React components. It simplifies the process of adding icons to your React applications.

These libraries cover a wide range of functionalities commonly needed in React.js development, including routing, state management, HTTP requests, styling, testing, and more. Familiarizing yourself with these libraries can significantly improve your productivity and efficiency as a React developer.

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