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TypeScript Hate

Today the backend dev told me that he was trying to setup typescript for the company for so long and the company resisted him but he was super proud of his achievement of getting typescript into the project and I told him. Sorry I agree with the company, you're stupid. I didn't tell him he was stupid ofcourse, but I told him why I thought it was an unnecessary dep.

I asked him are you doing a lot of number crunching?

He said no and I told him,

most of the data you're going to receive is in a string format or in json strings
very rarely are you going to get number data
and you can easily coerce the data into whatever you want.

Maybe he thought type checking would help but with typescript it is easily defeatable and doesn't protect you in all instances. Ofcourse he was a C++ dev from embedded which makes sense in that he was more familiar with types and performing memory management, and unfamilar with how js coerces types. He clearly understands the concepts of falsy and truthy values as I could see his code. Thus this confirms my bias that the only people who like typescript were never really good or experienced js devs in the first place.

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