DEV Community

Merge Conflict

Latest episodes

374: The AI Behind Airport Security

374: The AI Behind Airport Security

Merge Conflict,
373: Installing the .NET 9 Alpha

373: Installing the .NET 9 Alpha

Merge Conflict,
372: Buying a Nintendo Switch in 2023

372: Buying a Nintendo Switch in 2023

Merge Conflict,
371: The Problem with Walled Gardens in Apps

371: The Problem with Walled Gardens in Apps

Merge Conflict,
370: The Rise of LK-99

370: The Rise of LK-99

Merge Conflict,
369: Scanning real world objects into ready-to-use 3D models with RealityKit

369: Scanning real world objects into ready-to-use 3D models with RealityKit

Merge Conflict,
368: Building .NET MAUI User Interfaces in C#

368: Building .NET MAUI User Interfaces in C#

Merge Conflict,
367: NativeAOT for iOS & .NET MAUI Lands in VS Code

367: NativeAOT for iOS & .NET MAUI Lands in VS Code

Merge Conflict,
366: Developing for visionOS

366: Developing for visionOS

Merge Conflict,
365: Developing 3D Applications

365: Developing 3D Applications

Merge Conflict,
364: What is an AI Developer?

364: What is an AI Developer?

Merge Conflict,
363: Getting Serious About Upgrades

363: Getting Serious About Upgrades

Merge Conflict,
362: Developer Productivity - C# 12, Dev Tunnels, C# Dev Kit

362: Developer Productivity - C# 12, Dev Tunnels, C# Dev Kit

Merge Conflict,
361: WWDC 2023 Recap - Apple Vision Pro & Beyond

361: WWDC 2023 Recap - Apple Vision Pro & Beyond

Merge Conflict,
Teaser: WWDC 2023 Predictions

Teaser: WWDC 2023 Predictions

Merge Conflict,
360: Microsoft Build 2023, Security, Passkeys, & LLM AI Takeover!

360: Microsoft Build 2023, Security, Passkeys, & LLM AI Takeover!

Merge Conflict,
359: Publishing Android Apps to Amazon App Store + Windows 11

359: Publishing Android Apps to Amazon App Store + Windows 11

Merge Conflict,
358: Google I/O 2023 Recap - AI ๐Ÿค”, Dark Mode ๐ŸŽ‰

358: Google I/O 2023 Recap - AI ๐Ÿค”, Dark Mode ๐ŸŽ‰

Merge Conflict,
357: The Zune Is Back!

357: The Zune Is Back!

Merge Conflict,
356: Sunsetting software, libraries, & APIs

356: Sunsetting software, libraries, & APIs

Merge Conflict,
355: Previewing the Preview of C# 12

355: Previewing the Preview of C# 12

Merge Conflict,
354: .NET Native AOT Apps Fit on a Floppy Disk!

354: .NET Native AOT Apps Fit on a Floppy Disk!

Merge Conflict,
353: Exploring & Analyzing Bing Chat

353: Exploring & Analyzing Bing Chat

Merge Conflict,
352: Analyzing The Twitter Algorithm

352: Analyzing The Twitter Algorithm

Merge Conflict,
351: What are F# Discriminated Unions?

351: What are F# Discriminated Unions?

Merge Conflict,
350: Multimodal GPT-4

350: Multimodal GPT-4

Merge Conflict,
349: Packaged with external location or unpackaged

349: Packaged with external location or unpackaged

Merge Conflict,
348: ChatGPT Comes to the Command Line

348: ChatGPT Comes to the Command Line

Merge Conflict,
347: Converting Star Wars Dark Forces 3DO Files with .NET MAUI

347: Converting Star Wars Dark Forces 3DO Files with .NET MAUI

Merge Conflict,
346: Calling .NET Libraries from Rust with Native AOT

346: Calling .NET Libraries from Rust with Native AOT

Merge Conflict,
