Latest episodes

249: A Beautiful Disaster
Merge Conflict,
248: Satisfying Business Requirements
Merge Conflict,
247: Generating UI with GPT-3
Merge Conflict,
246: Breaking out of the Desktop App Sandbox
Merge Conflict,
245: Doubling Down on Cross-Platform Development
Merge Conflict,
244: Introduction to Microservices
Merge Conflict,
243: Lessons Learned - 3 Years of FuGet
Merge Conflict,
242: Mac Backups, Store Promotion, & Multi-Window Apps with SceneDelegate
Merge Conflict,
241: Goodbye DTK, Hello Mac App Development
Merge Conflict,
240: Stonks, Robots, and Cross-Platform IAP
Merge Conflict,
239: Planning an App Release
Merge Conflict,
238: Island Tracker - The Final Chapter
Merge Conflict,
237: Bot Awesome
Merge Conflict,
236: Supporting Your Customers
Merge Conflict,
235: Holiday Hack Success!
Merge Conflict,
234: Goodbye 2020! Let's ship some apps!
Merge Conflict,
233: Bluetooth is Mind-blowing!
Merge Conflict,
232: AirPods Max, Apple Fitness+, and AR/VR Indoor Cycling
Merge Conflict,
231: No M1 Talk We Promise... 🤞🤔🤫
Merge Conflict,
230: QA Testing M1 iOS Apps + 21% Raise for Frank!
Merge Conflict,
229: Selling iOS Apps on M1 Apple Silicon
Merge Conflict,
228: .NET Conf 2020 & Apple M1 Event Recap
Merge Conflict,
227: Databases!
Merge Conflict,
226: Universal Custom Data Link Schemes
Merge Conflict,
225: Frank Got Catalyst for Xamarin.iOS Working!
Merge Conflict,
224: iPhone 12 is here with magnets!
Merge Conflict,
223: How App Updates Work
Merge Conflict,
222: Cool New Tech
Merge Conflict,
221: Swift on Windows, Clean Code, and iOS 14
Merge Conflict,