DEV Community

Merwin Mathew
Merwin Mathew

Posted on • Originally published at on

Commonly Used Linux Commands: File, Searching, System Information, and Networking Commands


| ls | To list out all the files in current directory. |
| ls -l | To list out all the files in current directory in a detailed manner. |
| cd directory/folder Name | To move into specified folder or directory. |
| cd . . | To move into previous directory. |
| pwd | To print the current directory you are in. |
| ls -a | To show all the hidden files/folder. |
| mkdir folder-name | To create a new directory/folder. |
| rmdir folder-name | To remove an existing directory. |
| touch fileName | To create a new file. |
| cat file-Name | To display the content of the file. |
| cat > file-Name | To create a file and edit it in command line, it will override the content if the file already exist. |
| cat >> file-Name | To edit a file content in command line without overriding (preferred). |
| cp source-file target-file | To copy the content of source file into target file |
| mv file-name folder-name | To move file into specified folder name. |
| mv file-one file-two | To rename file-one into file-two. |
| rm file-name | To remove a file, use this with caution as it will deleted permanently |
| rm -R folder-name | To delete a folder permanently. |
| chmod | change permession of a file or directory |
| grep "search_term" file.txt | search for a pattern in a file or set of files |


| find /home/user/ -name "*.txt" | This command searches for all files with a .txt extension in the directory /home/user/ and any of its subdirectories. |
| locate myfile.txt | This command searches for any files named "myfile.txt" on the system, using a pre-built database of file locations. |
| which python | This command displays the location of the Python executable file in the system's PATH. |
| history | grep "search_term" |
| find . | finds all the files/folder in the present directory. |
| find . . | Finds all the files/folder in the previous directory. |
| find . -type f -name *.txt | find all the txt files present in the current directory. |
| find . -type f -name file name | find file with specified name in the current directory. |
| find . -type f -mmin +5 | find all the files that were modified more than 5 minutes ago in the current directory. |
| find . -type f -mtime -10 | shows all files that were modified less than ten days. |
| find . -type f -size +1M | shows all the file that are more than 1 MB in size. |
| find . -type f -size +1K | shows all the file that are more than 1 KB in size. |


| uname | display information about the system and kernel version. |
| df | display disk space usage for file systems. |
| free | display information about memory usage. |
| top | display information about system resource usage in real-time. |
| ps | display information about running processes. |
| uptime | show uptime |


| COMMANDS | functions |
| ping | test network connectivity to a given host or IP address. |
| traceroute | display the route that network packets take to reach a given host or IP address. |
| nslookup | query DNS (Domain Name System) servers for information about a domain or hostname. |
| ifconfig | display network interface configuration information. |
| ip | show or manipulate routing, devices, policy routing, and tunnels. |
| netstat | display network connection information, routing tables, and interface statistics. |
| ssh | connect to a remote system over a secure shell (SSH) connection. |
| scp | copy files securely between systems over a SSH connection. |
| curl | transfer data from or to a server using one of the supported protocols. |
| wget | download files from the web. |

Shortcuts for Terminal

Key Combination






To exit from Command Line




To move cursor at start




To move cursor at end




To remove everything after the cursor




For searching commands




For autocompletion


Page Up/ Page Down


To navigate up and down for commands that were used


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You can also say other important commands in the comments that I have missed mentioning.


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