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Thinking involves tracing causal relationships to see their connections.

Contemplating involves observing to gain details

Someone who thinks without contemplating only understands a specific context, while someone who contemplates can understand multiple contexts. That’s why contemplating takes longer than thinking.

Mapping Understanding

Thinking is like someone tracing a map to find an address, so the accuracy of the route must be checked.

Contemplating is like stopping for a moment after passing a route to observe what is at a certain location.

Both are tracing routes, but thinking ensures the path is correct, while contemplating observes the situation along the way.

Contemplating observes the boundaries of causal relationships without determining a specific direction.

Contemplating is not about considering causal relationships, although it may also find causal relationships during observation.

Contemplating is merely about seeking to expand knowledge. On the other hand, thinking can consider what is gained from contemplation to find the best route.

Thinking can also find the best route, but by involving knowledge gained from contemplation, the route considered is not just the best from one narrow perspective but the best from various points of view.


Contemplating observes the boundaries of causal relationships without determining a specific direction to be considered.

Contemplating is not about considering causal relationships, although it may also find causal relationships during observation.

Contemplating is merely about seeking to expand knowledge. On the other hand, thinking can consider what is gained from contemplation to find the best route.

Thinking can also find the best route, but by involving knowledge gained from contemplation, the route considered is not just the best from one narrow perspective but the best from various points of view.


In contemplation, the dominance is in seeking knowledge, expanding understanding. In thinking, the dominance is in seeking connected routes.

The one contemplating does not think much about where the thought paths are connected, as that has already been done through "thinking," rather, "contemplating" focuses on observing the situation.

So, both utilize routes, but contemplating uses thought paths to jump into new observations.


In a way, thinking encounters a mental block, while contemplating doesn’t experience a mental blockage but rather a creative blockage (lack of ideas, lack of concepts).

Although their dominant functions are different, both complement each other in broadening thinking insight.

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