I wanted to prove that React hooks could do everything RxJS can do, so I tried to convert all 114 operators into React hooks. But there are important differences between React state and RxJS that made me question my goal after 28.
Events vs State
RxJS pushes values through streams. If you push 1
into a new Subject<number>()
several times, everything downstream will receive each value and process it, unless prevented with a distinctUntilChanged
React reacts to state changes. If you setState(1)
several times, there is no state change, so nothing will be re-rendered.
To get React to react to multiple events represented by the same value, you need to wrap the value in an event object like setState({payload: 1})
or pass a DOM event directly.
Here's an example with increment events:
function Incrementer() {
const [event, setEvent] = useState<MouseEvent>();
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
if (!event) return;
setCount(n => n + 1);
}, [event])
return <button onClick={setEvent}>Increment: {count}</button>
Obviously this isn't the best way to implement a simple increment feature, but it shows the most flexible way to deal with values as events as opposed to state. The drawback is it makes React render an extra time when setCount
is called.
A simpler (although less flexible) option is useReducer
function Incrementer2() {
const [count, increment] = useReducer(
(state: number, e: MouseEvent) => state + 1,
return <button onClick={increment}>Increment: {count}</button>;
Most async logic occurs before state needs to be set, so this would probably work for the vast majority of cases.
In RxJS you can filter values to avoid unnecessary downstream calculations.
In React, everything renders, so you need to handle default values.
Hooks cannot be called conditionally, so you need to implement an enabled
option for each of them, like React Query does, or you need to make them handle default values appropriately.
Complexity and Efficiency
There are 114 operators on the RxJS docs site. I only converted 28 of them.
When I got to concatMap
I realized that while it is possible to implement all RxJS operators as hooks, it would take a lot of planning. If there is enough interest, I will do it, but upload it as a GitHub repository, and possibly make an npm package for it.
There were inefficiencies with using React state for some of these operators, because intermediate state needed to be updated synchronously inside useEffect
s. RxJS seems nicer the more complex an async data flow is.
React Query is the gold standard for using async data declaratively with hooks. I ended up needing to modify even my simple useTimer
hook to work more like useQuery
to take multiple keys in order to work as an inner observable for other operators.
However, even storing all inputs as keys and returning the async data from the latest input is not good enough: I anticipate that a more advanced pattern would be needed to work inside mergeMap
, where inputs may output many responses in any order, and all of them are necessary.
There may also be more limitations yet to be discovered from the other 86 operators.
In short, I stopped because I realized that the complexity required to handle all async pipelines was enough to justify a dedicated npm package, but the value of creating one is marginal since RxJS already exists, is more efficient, and is easy to use in React.
Notes and Code
(This list is from the RxJS docs site)
Check out the demos on StackBlitz.
Creation Operators
- ajax
- bindCallback
- bindNodeCallback
- defer
- empty
- from
- fromEvent
- fromEventPattern
- generate
- interval
- of
- range
- throwError
- timer
- iif
Join Creation Operators
Transformation Operators
Creation Operators
See bindCallback
You will create a hook creator. Each unique function that takes a callback as its last argument will have its own hook. Here is the hook creator I made:
function getUseBindCallback<Args extends any[], Arg>(
fnWithCb: (...args: [...Args, (arg: Arg) => void]) => void
) {
return function useBindCallback(initialEvent: Arg, ...args: Args) {
const [event, setEvent] = useState<Arg>(initialEvent);
useEffect(() => {
if (event !== initialEvent) return; // Only run once
fnWithCb.call(null, ...args, (e: Arg) => {
}, args);
return event;
Here is an example function and corresponding hook:
const someFunctionWithCallback = (
a: string,
b: number,
cb: ({ a, b }: { a: string; b: number }) => void
) => {
setTimeout(() => cb({ a, b }), 3000);
const useBindCallback = getUseBindCallback(someFunctionWithCallback);
function UseBindCallbackDemo() {
const { a, b } = useBindCallback({ a: '-', b: 0 }, 'Callback finished', 1);
return (
{a} {b}
First in DOM: - 0
After 3 seconds: Callback finished 1
See bindNodeCallback
It's just like
, but the callback is expected to be of typecallback(error, result)
So we can use the same hook creator as with bindCallback
, but with extra generics Err
, Result
and Arg extends [Err, Result]
. And the callback args will be collected into an array.
function getUseBindNodeCallback<
Args extends any[],
Arg extends [Err, Result]
>(fnWithCb: (...args: [...Args, (...arg: Arg) => void]) => void) {
return function useBindNodeCallback(initialEvent: Arg, ...args: Args) {
const [event, setEvent] = useState<Arg>(initialEvent);
useEffect(() => {
if (event !== initialEvent) return; // Only run once
fnWithCb.call(null, ...args, (...e: Arg) => {
}, args);
return event;
relies on the usefulness of lazy subscriptions in RxJS. In React, everything in a component is rendered eagerly, so the way to implement laziness is to change some state from false
to true
so some logic downstream can switch from not executing to executing in a render. If it's just computationally expensive, a ternary would work:
function DeferDemo() {
const [enabled, setEnabled] = useState(false);
const expensiveCalculation = enabled && Math.max(1, 2, 3);
return (
<button onClick={() => setEnabled(true)}>
Enable? Result: {expensiveCalculation}
Sometimes you want to defer a side-effect that occurs when subscribing, like a data fetch. You can create a hook that takes enabled
as an option and escapes out of a useEffect
if !enabled
export function useData(enabled = true) {
const [data, setData] = useState<any>();
useEffect(() => {
if (!enabled) return;
}, [enabled]);
return data;
I don't think this has a use in React.
I don't think this has a use in React. But just in case, this could be the implementation:
function useStates<T extends any[]>(states: T) {
const [stateIdx, setStateIdx] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
if (stateIdx === states.length - 1) return;
setStateIdx(stateIdx + 1);
}, [stateIdx]);
return states[stateIdx];
function UseStatesDemo() {
const state = useStates([1, 3, 5, 7, 9]);
console.log('state', state);
return <span>UseStatesDemo</span>;
That demo immediately logs this:
state 1
state 3
state 5
state 7
state 9
If you care about reacting to events downstream instead of only distinct states, you can modify the hook to wrap each in an event object like {payload: states[stateIdx]}
or something.
Most likely you have a scenario where you should just calculate a state using reduce
on an array.
This converts a DOM element into a stream of DOM events on that element. You can use setState
to set event objects to state and react downstream, or you can call useReducer
in the event handler in the JSX. See "Events vs state" above.
This is similar to fromEvent
, but it's more general, so it's worth implementing with hooks:
type NodeEventHandler = (...args: any[]) => void;
function getUseEventPattern<T>(
addHandler: (handler: NodeEventHandler) => any,
removeHandler?: (handler: NodeEventHandler, signal?: any) => void,
resultSelector?: (...args: any[]) => T
): T {
const [state, setState] = useState<T>();
useEffect(() => {
if (!addHandler || !removeHandler) return;
const handler = (...e: T[]) => {
const val = e.length === 1 ? e[0] : e;
const newState = resultSelector ? resultSelector(val) : val;
setState(newState as T);
const retValue = addHandler(handler);
return () => (removeHandler ? removeHandler(handler, retValue) : undefined);
}, [addHandler, removeHandler, resultSelector]);
return state;
function addClickHandler<Handler extends EventListener>(handler: Handler) {
document.addEventListener('click', handler);
function removeClickHandler<Handler extends EventListener>(handler: Handler) {
document.removeEventListener('click', handler);
function UseEventPatternDemo() {
const event = getUseEventPattern<MouseEvent>(
return <div>{event?.clientX}</div>;
This listens to document click events and prints out their clientX
This is a simple utility that generates a stream of values. It doesn't have unique async logic so I am not going to convert it to hooks. See from
function useInterval(dt = 1000) {
const [count, setCount] = useState<number>();
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => setCount((n = -1) => n + 1), dt);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, [dt]);
return count;
function UseIntervalDemo() {
const count = useInterval(2000);
return <div>{count}</div>;
This immediately returns a value, so you can just define something with const
Another utility method for generating a stream of values. See from
I think you can just throw 'some error'
function useTimer(wait = 1000, dt?: number) {
const [count, setCount] = useState<number>();
useEffect(() => {
const timeout = count == null && setTimeout(() => setCount(0), wait);
const interval =
dt && count != null && setInterval(() => setCount((n) => n + 1), dt);
return () => {
if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
if (interval) clearInterval(interval);
}, [wait, dt, count]);
return count;
function UseTimerDemo() {
const count = useTimer(1000, 500);
return <div>{count}</div>;
This observable creator could also be written as const obs$ = defer(() => condition ? observable1 : observable2);
. Refer to defer
Join Creation Operators
This reduces input streams into states, so it's very simple in React.
If you had this in RxJS:
const a$ = new BehaviorSubject(1);
const b$ = new BehaviorSubject(2);
const total$ = combineLatest(a$, b$).pipe(
map(([a, b]) => a + b),
It would just be this in React:
const [a, setA] = useState(1);
const [b, setB] = useState(2);
const total = a + b;
Let's convert this to hooks:
const result$ = concat(
If we used 3 useTimer
s, they would all start at the same time. But with concat
each observable needs to wait for the previous to complete. So, we need to implement an enabled
option in whatever observable we want to convert to be part of our concat
So we can modify useTimer
to take in a 3rd option enabled = true
, add it to the useEffect
's dependency array and add if (!enabled) return;
at the top of the useEffect
Here is the demo:
function ConcatDemo() {
const count1 = useTimer(2000);
const count2 = useTimer(1000, null, count1 != null);
const count3 = useTimer(3000, null, count2 != null);
const result = [count3, count2, count1].findIndex(count => count != null);
return <div>{result}</div>;
First, count1
, count2
and count3
are all undefined
. Only the first useTimer
sets a timeout. After 2 seconds, count1
receives the value of 0
and count1 != null
evaluates to true
so the 2nd timeout is kicked off. result
started at -1
because all 3 were undefined
at first, but now it's 2
. After the 2nd timeout finishes, result
becomes 1
, then after 3 more seconds it ends up as 0
. This is the same behavior as RxJS.
This operator us overused. It has the same behavior as combineLatest
for http
requests (observables that complete after 1st value), but developers just love to flex their RxJS knowledge and use a more limited operator for no reason at all. But occasionally data sources convert to streams of multiple values, and in these cases you actually need combineLatest
Anyway, if someone provides a concrete example of forkJoin
that the combineLatest
example is insufficient for, I'll work on this.
We need several useEffect
s that react to different inputs but all set the same output state:
function useMerge<S1, S2>(s1: S1, s2: S2) {
const [state, setState] = useState<S1 | S2>();
useEffect(() => {
}, [s1]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [s2]);
return state;
function UseMergeDemo() {
const interval1 = useInterval(900);
const interval2 = useInterval(1100);
const interval = useMerge(interval1, interval2);
return <div>{interval1} {interval2} {interval}</div>
Not sure when you'd use this, but it's easy to implement:
function usePartition<T>(state: T, partition: (s: T) => boolean) {
const [state1, setState1] = useState<T>();
const [state2, setState2] = useState<T>();
useEffect(() => {
const setState = partition(state) ? setState1 : setState2;
}, [state]);
return [state1, state2];
function UsePartitionDemo() {
const interval = useInterval(1000);
const [evens, odds] = usePartition(interval, n => !!(n % 2));
return <div>{evens} {odds}</div>
For this one, we'll start with two states, each undefined
, and when the first one gets defined we'll update a third state to that value but then stop paying attention after that.
function useRace<S1, S2>(s1: S1, s2: S2) {
const [state, setState] = useState<S1 | S2>();
useEffect(() => {
if (state === undefined && s1 !== undefined) setState(s1);
}, [state, s1]);
useEffect(() => {
if (state === undefined && s2 !== undefined) setState(s2);
}, [state, s2]);
return state;
function UseRaceDemo() {
const timer1 = useTimer(3000);
const timer2 = useTimer(2500);
const timer2Plus1 = timer2 !== undefined ? timer2 + 1 : timer2;
const firstToChange = useRace(timer1, timer2Plus1)
return (
<div>timer1: {timer1}</div>
<div>timer2Plus1: {timer2Plus1}</div>
<div>Race: {firstToChange}</div>
This is another operator I've never had a use for, but it seems fun to convert.
I don't like the repeated code in my implementation, but I'm not going to spend the time to clean it up.
function useZip<S1, S2>(s1: S1, s2: S2) {
const [state, setState] = useState<[S1, S2][]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
if (s1 === undefined) return;
setState((oldState) => {
const missingS1Idx = oldState.findIndex(([oldS1]) => oldS1 === undefined);
const [oldS1, oldS2] = oldState[missingS1Idx] || [];
const bothUndefined = oldS2 === undefined;
return bothUndefined
? [...oldState, [s1, undefined]]
: [[s1, oldS2], ...oldState.slice(2)];
}, [s1]);
useEffect(() => {
if (s2 === undefined) return;
setState((oldState) => {
const missingS2Idx = oldState.findIndex(
([oldS1, oldS2]) => oldS2 === undefined
const [oldS1, oldS2] = oldState[missingS2Idx] || [];
const bothUndefined = oldS1 === undefined;
return bothUndefined
? [...oldState, [undefined, s2]]
: [[oldS1, s2], ...oldState.slice(2)];
}, [s2]);
return state[0];
In my demo I will zip together 2 intervals of the same speed to avoid a memory leak, but stagger their start times.
function UseZipDemo() {
const timer1 = useTimer(1000, 4000);
const timer2 = useTimer(3000, 4000);
const timer2Times10 = timer2 !== undefined ? timer2 * 10 : undefined;
const zipped = useZip(timer1, timer2Times10);
return (
<div>timer1: {timer1}</div>
<div>timer2Times10: {timer2Times10}</div>
<div>Zip: {JSON.stringify(zipped)?.replace(',', ', ')}</div>
Transformation Operators
function useBuffer<T, V>(event: T, cutoffEvent: V) {
const [{ lastBatch }, setState] = useState<{
lastBatch: T[];
buffer: T[];
}>({ lastBatch: [], buffer: [] });
useEffect(() => {
if (event === undefined) return;
setState((state) => ({
buffer: state.buffer.concat(event),
}, [event]);
useEffect(() => {
if (cutoffEvent === undefined) return;
setState((state) => ({
lastBatch: state.buffer,
buffer: [],
}, [cutoffEvent]);
return lastBatch;
function UseBufferDemo() {
const count = useInterval(700);
const interval = useInterval(3000);
const batch = useBuffer(count, interval);
return (
<div>count: {count}</div>
<div>interval: {interval}</div>
<div>Batch: {JSON.stringify(batch)}</div>
Similar to buffer
function useBufferCount<T>(event: T, size: number) {
const [{ lastBatch }, setState] = useState<{
lastBatch: T[];
buffer: T[];
}>({ lastBatch: [], buffer: [] });
useEffect(() => {
if (event === undefined) return;
setState((state) => {
const full = state.buffer.length === size;
return {
lastBatch: full ? state.buffer : state.lastBatch,
buffer: full ? [] : state.buffer.concat(event),
}, [event]);
return lastBatch;
function UseBufferCountDemo() {
const count = useInterval(700);
const batch = useBufferCount(count, 5);
return (
<div>count: {count}</div>
<div>Batch: {JSON.stringify(batch)}</div>
Similar to buffer
function useBufferTime<T>(event: T, time: number) {
const interval = useInterval(time);
const [{ lastBatch }, setState] = useState<{
lastBatch: T[];
buffer: T[];
}>({ lastBatch: [], buffer: [] });
useEffect(() => {
if (event === undefined) return;
setState((state) => ({
buffer: state.buffer.concat(event),
}, [event]);
useEffect(() => {
setState((state) => ({
lastBatch: state.buffer,
buffer: [],
}, [interval]);
return lastBatch;
function UseBufferTimeDemo() {
const count = useInterval(700);
const batch = useBufferTime(count, 3500);
return (
<div>count: {count}</div>
<div>Batch: {JSON.stringify(batch)}</div>
This operator takes in an observable and an observable factory:
const clicks = fromEvent(document, 'click');
const openings = interval(1000);
const buffered = clicks.pipe(bufferToggle(openings, i =>
i % 2 ? interval(500) : EMPTY
buffered.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
React hooks can't be dynamically defined like observables, but since the values emitted from the hooks are externally available, the logic of the observable factory can be defined outside as well if we use useBuffer
. You might have to modify it with an enabled
Write a comment if you want an example. I haven't ever seen this operator used.
Similar to bufferToggle
Let's convert this to hooks:
const result$ = interval(1000).pipe(
concatMap(i => i < 10 ? timer(2700 - i * 300) : of(null)),
This is going to be different from concat
, because we cannot know how many inner observables will be created.
The inner observables will build up but they will all run and complete.
With concatMap
, the outer observable might emit much more rapidly than the inner observable completes, so we need to have a queue of future inner observables as some state somewhere. Either we need to add a change to every other hook to keep track of a queue of inputs, or we need to keep this state independent and expose a function to shift queued values off when inner async tasks complete. This is what I will do.
Here is useQueue
function useQueue<T>(value: T, enabled = true) {
const [queue, setQueue] = useState<T[]>([]);
const shiftQueue = useCallback(() => setQueue((q) => q.slice(1)), [setQueue]);
useEffect(() => {
if (value === undefined || !enabled) return;
setQueue((s) => s.concat(value));
}, [value]);
return [queue, shiftQueue] as const;
And here is the demo:
function UseConcatMapDemo() {
const count = useInterval(700) % 30;
const queueEnabled = count < 10;
const [queue, shiftQueue] = useQueue(count, queueEnabled);
useTimer(2700 - queue[0] * 300, undefined, !!queue.length, shiftQueue);
return (
<div>count: {count}</div>
<div>Queue: {JSON.stringify(queue)}</div>
If you run this you will see queue
build up for 10 entries, then empty as each timeout completes more quickly than the last.
After making this work, I think I need to implement an options
parameter in each hook:
interface Options<T> {
enabled?: boolean;
onComplete?: () => void;
Also, each inner observable needs to be able to output something related to the values that created it. Since the hooks are asynchronous, those values will no longer be available when it returns a value in the future. So those inputs need to be stored as state somehow to be accessed in the future.
Maybe each hook needs to work like React Query by storing return values by the keys that were used to create the requests. Or at least every observable creation operator.
Or maybe we should just use RxJS...
Top comments (3)
This was a very needed series!
But I have to ask 'why' do so much inside components using hooks - when components' main concern is to describe UI?
IMO a standalone Observable: eg
subject.pipe(concatMap(fn), scan(reducer))
can declaratively provide a reactive state value easily consumed with a single hook.. This keeps React as just a rendering layer.. Why express your effects using only the tools of a view layer? Then be vulnerable to React scheduling changes, and interstitial renders? And the testing value of being able to test plain JS objects directly vs using RTL.I'm looking for that hybrid that is a) familiar enough to React devs and b) powerful enough to be tested and reliable quite outside of the view framework.
PS See Kent C Dodds stopwatch example of how letting React render cycles get in the way of timing can lead to bugs:
Well, a ton of logic can be abstracted out of the components themselves, but they are the consumers of state. RxJS can still be important for performance reasons, and because this is just a demo—to replace RxJS with hooks you'd need a much more thorough design, which is why I still haven't done it after all this time. As for performance, most frameworks have primitives like hooks now, but on top of signals, and they don't have performance issues.
The point is, though, that RxJS operators are just functions, and custom hooks are also just functions.
Great article!