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Fixing the HTTPS Developer Certificate Error in .NET on macOS Sequoia

Michael Charles Aubrey on September 24, 2024

MacOS 15 Sequoia has introduced changes to its security APIs which has broken the dotnet CLI's ability to generate and trust HTTPS developer certif...
underflow profile image
Steffen H. Nielsen

@michaelcharles thank you so much for this guide. I was having the trouble trying to get Umbraco to work on my M1 Macbook air with the new mac os update. I have looked for hours and hours trying to find a solution, and was at the point of giving up for tonight, but then i stumpled upon your post :D

I followed your guide and now everything works. I have my dev-cert ready for use and i can now actually start my projects :D

I would give you 1.000.000 likes and start if i could. Thank you sooooo much!!

michaelcharles profile image
Michael Charles Aubrey

Thanks, I'm glad!

I had a very similar experience and finally found a workaround posted in the GitHub issue, so I made this article/guide to give the workaround more visibility since (like you) I had trouble finding information about it online. I hope this can help people.

sanbartels profile image
Daniel Santiago

Umbraco <3

camilahp profile image

Thank you so much for this guide!
Unfortunately, I needed an extra step to make it work with my current project:

  1. Go to cd ~/.aspnet/https
  2. Remove all .key and .pem files related to the project
  3. Build the solution again
nextchanupol profile image
Ouu Naja

thank you so muchhhhhhhhhhhhh

weekyear profile image

Thanks God!!!! You`re my god

mark_defty_8ce3606e846dad profile image
Mark Defty

awesome cheered me up on my weekend thank you very much

jimihewett profile image
James Hewett

Thanks for this! Worked like a charm

joo_miranda_9de9acd8af9e profile image
João Miranda

Thank you so much!! You're a legend!

nhannn profile image
Nhân Nguyễn

It works like a charm..! Thank you so much

mfschweitzer profile image
Mike Schweitzer

Just ran into this...thank you!

Got here from

masoudarvishian profile image
Masoud Darvishian

It helped a lot, thank!

alexis_patentre_73657c17 profile image

Thank you SO MUCH, three system restores after receiving my new MacBook, I was tripped up with these certificate errors, being the only one on my team to encounter this problem... THANK YOU again

mark_defty_8ce3606e846dad profile image
Mark Defty

new macbook me too lol thought i was going nuts

giaphan profile image
Giang Phan

Thank you very much for the solution. How did you figure this out?