DEV Community

Michał Górnicki
Michał Górnicki

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Most simplistic tutorial to React Router - create routing in 2 minutes

I wanted to create very fast guide to React Router because first time I routing it was big struggle.

So, let's begin.

  1. After creating app by command npx create-react-app "your-app-name" install React Router with command npm install react-router-dom@6.
  2. In main file mostly called App.jsx import React Router components by adding in the beginning import { Route, HashRouter as Router, Routes } from "react-router-dom";
  3. Again in App.jsx create structure like this:
        <Navbar />
          <Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
          <Route path="/SubPageOne" element={<SubPageOne/>} />
          <Route path="/SubPageTwo" element={<SubPageTwo/>} />
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  1. As you can see there are few react components (Navbar, Home, SubPageOne, SubPageTwo). I've created Navbar component outside of Routes container so it can be available on every subpage.
  2. In Navbar component where we want to have navigation to every subpage create links to them:
<Link to="/">strona główna</Link>
<Link to="/Database">baza danych</Link>
<Link to="/Create">stwórz nowe ogłoszenie</Link>
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And that's everything. Your React Router is done and fully working!

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