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The Concept of Domain-Driven Design Explained

Sara Miteva on July 02, 2020

Using microservices means creating applications from loosely coupling services. The application consists of several small services, each representi...
xoubaman profile image
Carlos Gándara

I would advise to not to take this article as a solid source of truth for what DDD means and implies. There are several inexact claims and a few of them plainly wrong. It may be slightly useful to start to get familiar with some of the DDD jargon but that's it.

mesmerizero profile image
Alin Purcaru • Edited

Thanks for doing the "good work" and promoting DDD. While I definitely see the positive side of promoting a difficult topic in an accessible way, I also share the opinion of some of the other commenters, that there is plenty of room for improvement. I'll try to be constructive, with some examples:

  • Grammar needs work. Even in the first paragraph we have this "[...], after what they are joint in a complex application." Should this be "[...], after that they are joined in a complex application."?
  • The article uses terms inaccurately or in a confusing way. "Microservices is an architecture design model" - I do not get the need for so many words mashed together - words that are partial synonyms. Why not "Microservices are an architectural style", or shorter "Microservices is an architecture"? How does it help if you use "design" and "model" additionally?
  • Some sentences are self-evident, or are simply not true. For example "Domain-driven design is the idea of solving problems of the organization through code." That is actually not true. Software in general is the idea of solving problems of the organization through code. DDD is something a bit more specific.

I actually thought about sharing this in my company, because there are so few accessible resources explaining DDD. But in its current form, I do not think it is usable in a professional environment. I'm confident that with a bit of rewriting it could be much more useful.

hurricaneinteractive profile image

Great article, definitely helped to clear up a few things for me 👍

saramiteva profile image
Sara Miteva

Thank you, very glad to hear that :)

icnovaro profile image
Iván Casanova • Edited

This article really encouraged me to learn more about DDD. Thanks.

saramiteva profile image
Sara Miteva

Happy to hear that!

frondor profile image
Federico Vázquez • Edited

This is probably one of the best posts about DDD. Short, clear, and concise. 👏

saramiteva profile image
Sara Miteva

Thanks Federico :)

angrynoah profile image
Noah ISO8601

"Complexity is a relative term. What’s complex for one person is simple for another."

No. Difficulty -- easy or hard, familiar or unfamiliar -- is relative. Complexity -- whether things are intertwined such that they can't be reasoned about separately -- is objective.

mchdax profile image
Mayara Machado

This article helped me a lot, thanks

saramiteva profile image
Sara Miteva

Glad to hear that :)

faizan profile image
Faizan Akram Dar • Edited

One of the simplest explanation of DDD, I've found so far.

Thanks Sara.

Sharing this with my whole development team now

saramiteva profile image
Sara Miteva

Thanks Faizan!

davidbojkovski profile image
David Bojkovski

Entered the mailing mail, congrats. Great post! 🔥

saramiteva profile image
Sara Miteva

Thanks David!

guledali profile image

I have not signed into my account for almost year but this post deserved a comment.

Good job Sara!!

saramiteva profile image
Sara Miteva

Thank you!

viciojha profile image
Vivek Ojha

Very well and precisely written article about DDD. It helped me clarify few things I was always confused about.
Thanks and good job

saramiteva profile image
Sara Miteva


alancasey profile image

Untold teams have assumed deep domain knowledge and struggled without the aid of emergent design.

moathalshorman profile image
Mo'ath Alshorman

Thanks for the great article.