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Discussion on: js-coroutines gives your code: data indexing and lookup functionality, in idle time

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

That should certainly work! I'd just say inside this one function I'd avoid immutability - because nothing has access to the mutable object and it will allocate a lot less memory if you modify one thing rather than make a new one on each loop.

vldmrgnn profile image
Vlad • Edited

Certainly, and perhaps is significant on large data..
I put up something like this..:

  function* xKeyBy(collection, fn) {
    let result = {}
    yield* forEach(collection, function* (value, key) {
       let newKey = fn(value);
       result[newKey] = value;
    return result;

  //not blocking UI
  const dispatchKeyBy = async (dt, key, action)=>{

    let kby  = await run(function* () {
            return yield* xKeyBy(dt, x=>x[key]);

    dispatch({type: action.type , payload: kby});


and call it from useEffect from inside a hook...

For some reason I could not use the keyBy provided "out of the box". I think is a npm issue on my side

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miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐ • Edited

Odd on the "out of the box" all my tests seem to be ok. You probably don't want to yield that much. I'd be saying (if collection is an array) that you should yield every 32 or something using

    if((key & 31) === 0) yield

It's a balance between checking often enough and slowing it down a lot by checking too much.

In more recent versions you can also just call run() on the result of executing the generator, in your example this simplified the second routine to be:

const dispatchKeyBy = async (dt, key, action)=>{

    let kby  = await run(xKeyBy(dt, x=>x[key]));

    dispatch({type: action.type , payload: kby});


npm version should be 2.3.62

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vldmrgnn profile image

It totally make sense!
Updated the npm as I was way behind... odd that I had to uninstall and then install again. Otherwise it was still version 1.1.36.
I hope that will not break the code now :)
Thanks for everything!

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miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐ • Edited

Right I added a breaking change a while ago, but it only affects a very small use case, so hopefully all ok. It was when I changed from using an external polyfill for requestIdleCallback to the new internal one.

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vldmrgnn profile image

Updated an everything seems to work like a charm!
Still It seems that you forgot some "debugger" at keyBy in array-utilities.js.
(Should I have written on GitHub on that? if so sorry)

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miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

Ouch lol. Ooops. Fixing that.

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miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

2.3.63 - removed the debugger