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Mikhail Kedzel for MiKi

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How to build the largest web3 community in Korea

How to build the largest web3 community in Korea

Today we’re launching the first episode of MiKi Digital’s Web3 podcast. And our guest is Jordan Smith, the founder of the largest web3 community in South Korea — SojuDAO. We had a great chat with him, talking about his journey, challenges, and plans for SojuDAO. Also, Jordan is currently working on a stealth startup that aims to disrupt the web3 professional social network industry.

Tune into the podcast to learn more about it as well!

This article will briefly summarize the podcast, condensing Jordan’s main points.

Getting into crypto

After leaving university, Jordan worked for many big techs in Silicon Valley and Wall Street but always felt it wasn’t for him. Around 2017, he became interested in crypto and, in 2021, became full-time in crypto, working with a little network called Terra. It was his first introduction to Korea’s vibrant crypto culture. The Terra crash didn’t discourage him but did quite the opposite.

“ *What it showed me is the power of Web3 and the power of community and in building something meaningful. While I was hurt financially, it actually just gave me a little bit more fire to bounce back and want to build something.” — Jordan*

The crash of Luna

Starting SojuDAO

Jordan moved to Korea in 2022 to live for a couple of months, and that’s when SojuDAO began. It started as a little group chat with Jordan and his friends, with the name being inspired by a famous Korean drink — Soju!

Soju — traditional Korean drink

The community grew organically as Jordan introduced it to more people. Next, they hosted a social event, which was just a dinner. Over the year, community members were sponsoring other events, seeing the power in the community. The idea was received well in Korea since all the events are usually in professional settings, but SojuDAO creates relaxed events where people are better able to connect.

“ *From the feedback that I’ve gotten is our specialty that has come from throwing events consistently is that people are able to really build new relationships and forge new partnerships in these events.” — Jordan*

So the first members of SojuDAO weren’t only foreigners, many Koreans appreciated the new way of organizing events. Talking about the future, Jordan says that while the roots of SojuDAO will remain in Korea, it will expand to other regions. In fact, SojuDAO already set up events in Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Paris. So SojuDAO will continue to evolve on a global landscape bringing more and more people together.

SojuDao logo

Changing Social Networking in Web3

Our chat got really interesting when we started talking about the future of social networking in web3. Jordan is working on a secret startup to change the professional social network industry. Jordan was open about his issues with existing platforms like LinkedIn. He shared his frustration with the platform’s move towards sales and away from building deep connections.

“ *I think that the reason why LinkedIn kind of sucks now is because of people like me have multiplied over the last four years. The former self, my former self. Like it’s a sales tool. It’s no longer a tool to like focus on your deep connections.” — Jordan*

That’s where POM(Proof of Meet) comes in — a stealth-mode startup that Jordan is working on right now. It’ll enable people to have better social experiences. Jordan believes people are still lonelier than ever in a world where we have many ways to connect.


In web3, most people use Telegram to connect, but it lacks a lot of data about the person. So your connection can be easily forgotten. Jordan aims to build synergy between platforms like Telegram or Twitter, and POM to make creating meaningful connections easier.

“ *We’re not necessarily trying to get people to stop using Twitter or Telegram, but we want to enable people to use them better, to improve the relationships that mean something to them or give them an opportunity to find new relationships.” — Jordan*

The main point of POM is that it focuses on real-life connections. Since as Jordan said:

“ *I think that may or may not be a contrarian opinion that most of the important relationships that you make are from in-person interaction.” — Jordan*


Overall thoughts on web3

Regarding web3 trends, Jordan says that restaking and web3 socials can be the next big thing in web3. As for the issues in web3, Jordan believes UX to be a major one. Since it’s still tough for people outside of the industry to get into web3 apps. You should always build apps with your users in mind.

“ *Most of the things are there to try to make a seamless experience, but we just have to build tools with the end user in mind.” — Jordan*

P.S. If you have any suggestions regarding the podcast or want to be the next guest feel free to contact us at our website or book a call.

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