Pass by value
C always uses 'pass by value' to pass arguments to functions (another term is 'call by value', which means the same thing), which means the code within a function cannot alter the arguments used to call the function, even if the values are changed inside the function.
Every other time you pass data to a function (besides scanf), the data outside the function is not modified - it's like a local variable inside the function - that is because C creates a copy of the data that the function uses.
An example of a 'swap' function to demonstrate the difference between pass by value and pass by reference is a simple function that swaps the values of two variables:
void swap(int fistVariable, int secondVariable)
// create a temporary variable to hold one of the values to perform the swap
int tempVariable;
tempVariable = firstVariable; /* temporarily save the value of the first variable */
firstVariable = secondVariable; /* swap the vale of the first variable with the value of the second variable */
secondVariable = tempVariable; /* put the value of the first variable into the second variable */
int main(void)
int a = 100;
int b = 200;
printf("before swap: value of a: %d \n", a);
printf("before swap: value of b: %d \n", b);
// call function to swap values
swap(a, b);
// check values outside the function after swap function is run
printf("after swap: value of a: %d \n", a);
printf("after swap: value of b: %d \n", b);
return 0;
If the code above is run, the values remain the same after the swap function is run. This is because, under the hood, C is passing in copies of the variables (a
and b
in this case), and they are modified within the function, but the originals remain unaffected.
Pass by reference
Even though C always uses 'pass by value', it is possible simulate passing by reference by using dereferenced pointers as arguments in the function definition, and passing in the 'address of' operator &
on the variables when calling the function.
What is passed in is a copy of the pointer, but what it points to is still the same address in memory as the original pointer, so this allows the function to change the value outside the function.
The arguments passed in and worked with inside the function are dereferenced pointers, which, from the programmer's perspective, is essentially the same thing as working with the values themselves.
Using the same structure as the swap function above, using pointers, the values outside the function will be swapped:
void swap(int *pFirstVariable, int *pSecondVariable)
int temp;
// using dereferenced pointers means the function is working with the values at the addresses that are passed in
temp = *pFirstVariable;
*pFirstVariable = *pSecondVariable;
*pSecondVariable = temp;
int main(void)
int a = 100;
int b = 200;
printf("before swap: value of a: %d \n", a);
printf("before swap: value of b: %d \n", b);
// call the function to swap values, using the 'address of' operator to pass in the address of each variable
swap(&a, &b);
// check values outside the function after swap function is run
printf("after swap: value of a: %d \n", a);
printf("after swap: value of b: %d \n", b);
return 0;
If the example above is run, the values will be swapped (outside the function) after swap()
has been called.
Returning pointers from a function
Returning a pointer from a function is a particularly powerful. It allows you to return not just a single value, but a whole set of values (e.g. structures, covered later). There is a special syntax for declaring a function that returns a pointer:
int * myFunction()
//your code
There are specific hazards relating to returning a pointer, so there are some best practices to follow.
- use local variables to avoid interfering with the variable that the argument points to
use dereferenced pointers in the function definition:
void swap(int *pFirstVariable, int *pSecondVariable);
and use the 'address of'
operator and the variable name when invoking the function if you wish the changed values to be available outside of the function:
swap(&a, &b);
to return a pointer from a function, use an asterisk in front of the function name, and use with care.
Top comments (6)
As good and relevant as the content of this article is, and it is; there a small inaccuracy.
You might say that I am very picky, or even splitting hair here.
But, technically, there is no such thing as "passing by reference" in C, there is only "passing by value". And you say it almost clearly when you say that passing pointers is a way to simulate passing by reference. But in the end, C is really passing the value of the pointers (and these values are copied in the execution context of the function just as any other "passing by value"); it just is that you can access the pointed values that are not in the execution context of the function so neither copied as call-time, nor erased at return-time.
A good way to illustrate this would be to modify the values of pointers afters the swap has occurred and show that it does not harm the result:
And while this might be me being picky, it just happens to show how close to the machine C language actually is, and how, languages that actually have "passing by reference" are not doing magic, but merely mildly sophisticated syntactic sugar.
Indeed, Pascal allows to add the keyword
to a function declaration to pass by reference:Or C++, that has the confusing
for references:In both cases, you handle the arguments directly without dereferencing them but really you are manipulating the very integers from the outside.
Thanks for the clarification! I thought saying "C uses 'pass by value' to pass arguments ..." at the beginning had covered this, but I'll take a look at how it can be made more clear 🤓
C passes arrays by reference:
That is incorrect. Arrays are contiguous blocks of memory and the only reason that works is because it is equivalent as passing int *array as a function argument and you are not trying to modify the actual array but the values inside the array.
You are passing a copy of the array which points to the first integer of the memory block.
When you are doing arr[2] you are dereferencing the memory address starting at 0x102 and changing its value. That is not passing by reference because if it were you would be able to modify the size of the array inside the function but that will not work.
This is exactly the point I was attempting to make:
When I pass anything that is not an array to a function in C, the called function gets a copy of the passed value (i.e. "passed by value"). Changing the value does not affect the calling function's copy of the value. When I pass an array, the called function gets a pointer to the head of the array (i.e. "passed by reference"). The array behaves like a pointer even though its address was not explicitly passed.
syntactical sugar
int arr[42];
arr on its own is a pointer to the first element of the array.
When passed in a function, that address is being passed. Say the function performs arr[2]++. That's the same as saying *(arr + 2)++
incrementing the second element of array arr
is the same as
incrementing the value at the address of 2 added to arr