DEV Community

Daniel Toledo
Daniel Toledo

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AI is really here?

I've recently seen a craze about AI. Every application promises integrated AI. But for me, many are simply using it as marketing strategy. I tried using Jira, and it has an AI feature that supposedly just requires me to describe what I need in the search. But instead, I still have to set up the query filter in the same way.

A friend enthusiastically told me he was looking at a washing machine with AI. I asked: What AI features does it have?

He said: You can connect it to your phone, and it will notify you when the washing cycle is finished, things like that.

Really? Is that what people understand as AI? And the funny thing is, this guy is an excellent software architect! He's in the field! How could he fall for it so easily?

Okay, maybe there are marketing powers to which we are not immune. But I still find it absurd.

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